David reached for the papers, but Dr. Yang didn’t immediately let them go. She waited until she had David’s full attention. “There are seven days in a week, Detective. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

David smiled. “I’m sure I will.”

Cassie followed David through the door and down the hallway. When they reached the end of the corridor, he brought the papers close to his face and counted down the page. “Number seven. Noah McLaughlin.”

“You think that’s our guy?”

David looked downright giddy now. “Only one way to find out.”


As soon as Cassie saw her sister pull onto Noah McLaughlin’s road, she waved Laura down and directed her to park on the side of the road a few houses away. McLaughlin’s house was crawling with cops, and the neighbors who were home at this time of day were either peeking through their blinds or standing on the sidewalk, pointing and whispering to each other.

Laura put the car in park and hopped out. “Well, this looks like a party.”

“They got the warrant for McLaughlin’s house, but they had to do an initial walkthrough before we could get in there. Once that’s done, David’s going to set aside some time for us to help him go through the war room.”

“War room?”

Cassie led her sister over to where a couple of people had gathered on the other side of a barrier the police had erected on the sidewalk right outside the house. She leaned in closer to Laura so the others couldn’t h


“That’s what they’ve been calling it. Apparently, McLaughlin has a whole setup. Hundreds of pages of information and printouts and notes. He kept journals. Had a ton of pictures. Detailed maps. He figured out what Shapiro had done well before the police did.”

“So, he’s definitely our guy.”

Cassie nodded. “Now we just have to find him.”

Laura turned as a news van pulled up. “Well, he’s gonna know not to come back here.”

Cassie watched as her favorite blonde reporter hopped out of the van and directed her camera guy to face the house while she checked her makeup and got ready to go live. It was Annette Campbell, the woman who’d made Harris’ life a living hell a few months ago. Cassie hadn’t seen much of her on the news lately, but she still had a job, so Harris had kept her word about not getting her in trouble if she played by the rules.

“This might get messy,” Cassie said.

“You know her?” Laura asked.

“I know of her. We weren’t formally introduced.” Cassie watched as Campbell fluffed her curly blonde hair. “She’s ambitious.”

“That doesn’t sound like a compliment.”

“It is. I think she’s going to be a great reporter. But she still needs to learn not to step on people along the way. Or maybe she has learned that. We’ll see, I guess.”

A police officer on the other side of the barrier caught Cassie’s attention. “Boss wants to see you two.”

Cassie nodded and squeezed past the onlookers. She ignored their confused and curious looks and made her way up to the front of the house with Laura on her heels. They each had to put on protective shoe coverings and latex gloves before they were allowed inside. David was waiting for them.

Cassie hooked a thumb over her shoulder. “Our favorite reporter is outside.”

“I know. I invited her.”

Cassie stopped in her tracks. “Oh?”

“Better to have her working with us than against us. One of the neighbors would’ve called the media sooner or later. I gave Ms. Campbell a head start, as long as she promised not to go live before anyone else arrived.”

“Smart man.”

“I have my moments.” He waved the two of them along. “Come on, I’ll show you what we’re working with.”