
She was part of this now, whether she liked it or not.


Cassie opened the front door and was surprised when Apollo didn’t greet her. The house was dead silent other than the slight static of a TV from somewhere in the back. After tossing her purse on the bench and slipping off her shoes, she made her way to the guest bedroom. She knocked gently on the door.

“Come in.”

She pushed the door open and found who she was looking for. “Ah, we have a traitor in our midst, I see.”

Apollo looked up from Laura’s lap with lazy eyes. He was purring so loud that when he meowed, almost no sound came out. He put his head back down when he saw Cassie didn’t have any food in her hands.

Laura looked comfortable herself. She had a mountain of pillows propping her up in bed as she flipped through the channels on the small TV sitting on the dresser. She hadn’t even looked over when Cassie walked in.

“Interesting choice of words,” she said.

Cassie’s eyebrows pinched together. “What do you mean?”

“Having a traitor in our midst.”

“You’re gonna have to be more specific—”

“Where were you?”

Cassie felt the heat rise in her face. “I told you, I was at work.”

“I called your work.”

“You did what?”

Laura finally faced her, and Cassie could see how hard her eyes were. “I called the museum.”

“Why would you do that?”

“You were acting really weird earlier. I felt like you were lying, but I wanted to make sure.”

Cassie couldn’t keep the anger out of her voice. “Wow, how very trusting of you.”

“You can’t be mad at me for thinking you were lying when you actually were. You’re the one who did something wrong here.”

“What I do in my free time is my business, Laura.”

“Yes, it is. But don’t lie to me about it.”

“Who did you call at the museum?”

“Relax, I just called the front desk and asked for you. Whoever answered just said you weren’t working today.”


“Yeah, I guess.” She shot Cassie an ambivalent look. “Does it matter?”

Cassie threw up her arms and walked out of the room. “Yes, it matters. I don’t need my little sister checking up on me.”

A thud told her Apollo had jumped down off the bed, and a second later, the squeak of the mattress revealed that Laura had followed suit.

“Maybe you need people to check up on you, Cassie. You’re not great at staying out of trouble.”