She finally opens her eyes and looks up at me. “Goodnight Parker.”

Chapter 9


When I woke up this morning, I just laid in my bed for a little while trying to remember if last night really happened or if I dreamed it all up. I can still smell Parker’s cologne lingering in my bed. I finally decide to get up and take a shower.

We were up late last night, and I definitely need some coffee. I don’t bother getting dressed and head out to the kitchen for a cup. I am pouring myself a cup when out of nowhere I hear. “Morning sleepyhead.”

I scream and drop my coffee cup on the floor. I whip around and see Parker sitting on my couch. I clench my hand to my chest trying to calm my heart down. “Jesus Parker!” I grab some paper towel and wipe up the mess.

He just laughs. I glance back up at him. “What are you doing in my apartment?”

He just shrugs. “You have better coffee than me.” Then his eyes scan my body in only a towel. “Plus the views here are much more inviting.” He smirks at me and sips from a coffee cup that Cassie got me last Christmas.

I just glare at him. “You couldn't have at least brought your own cup. Or, oh I don’t know, maybe just go grocery shopping and buy better coffee.”

He gets up from the couch and walks into the kitchen. He sets his cup down and wraps his arms around me from behind. He leans down and presses a few kisses to my bare shoulder. Well, I can’t very well stay mad at him when he is doing this. I lean into his embrace.

He just whispers in my ear. “Maybe I just missed you.”

I laugh. “You saw me last night.”

His fingers push the towel up a little and he rubs his hands up my thighs. He kisses his way up my neck now. “So?”

I step away from him and turn to face him. I smile at him. “So you don’t live here. Wait until you are invited over.”

He just cocks an eyebrow at me. “Hm...have those rules applied to us? Because I vividly recall you bursting into my apartment on multiple occasions.”

I laugh. “The rule can be broken when the other person does something royally dumb to piss you off.”

He pretends to think of something. “Is it considered ‘royally dumb’ to go answer a phone when you are in the middle of some important business with your sexy secret boyfriend?

I laugh again and head back toward my room. “Just secret hookup. You are not my boyfriend.”

He grabs his heart like I stabbed it. “Oh ouch! I’ve been demoted to hookup, and I didn’t even get to finish hooking up.”

I turn back around and smirk. “I seem to remember you finishing just fine. I can still taste it.”

I lick my lips. Parker’s eyes narrow at me, and he starts coming after me. I squeal and run into my room, but he catches me before I can lock him out. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder before throwing me back down on the bed. He crawls up on top of me and kisses my lips softly.

That was not exactly what I was expecting when he threw me down on the bed. He pulls away and looks me in the eyes. “I have plans with Doug today. We’re going to be gone until tomorrow. I wanted to see you before we left.”

I cock an eyebrow at him. “You wanted to see me or you wanted to do me?” I push my hips up against his.

“Whoa there.” He quickly gets off of me and stands from the bed. I just look at him funny.

“I’ve changed my mind. No more sexy time until you go out with me.” I laugh, but then he narrows his eyes at me. “You’re serious?”

He just nods. “Yes.”

I smile back at him. “And when is this date supposed to happen? I’m a very busy woman.”

He scans his eyes back down my body again. Then his eyes snap back to mine. “As soon as possible. What about tomorrow?”

I laugh. “Well, pretty sure you agreed to coming to our family Sunday dinner. Don’t really think that qualifies as a date.”

He curses. “Monday?”