God Ava. Please say my name again.

She is doing this on purpose. She doesn’t even sound that mad. She just sounds sexy as hell.

I try to clear my throat again. “The sales lady said that would be more appropriate for your dress. The other one could have shown through. I didn’t want to fight her professional judgement.”

Ava just scoffs. “Her professional judgement? What about my judgement? Maybe I wanted it to show through.”

I don’t know why, but I snap. Maybe it’s because I am still staring at a mostly naked Ava. “Actually, I lied. She didn’t think it would show through, but there was no business purpose for it. The only reason you would need something like that would be for after you took your dress off. Since there will be no stripping at this event, I made a judgement call.”

She doesn’t argue back like she usually does. Instead, she just gets a huge smirk on her face. I shake my head at the ground and respond as if she did argue with me. “If they were absolutely necessary for your outfit, I have them over at my place. I know how you are so picky about perfecting your outfits.”

The smirk drops from Ava’s face, and she just stares at me in shock like I’ve given her the greatest gift in the world. Then that beautiful smile of hers makes an appearance just for a moment before she looks to the ground. She whispers so quietly that if I wasn’t paying attention I might not hear her. “Thanks Parker. These will work fine.”

I glance at the clock and see it is almost time for people to start arriving. I look back at Ava.

“Jesus Ava. Can you please put some clothes on? Jeff could show up any second.”

Ava just shrugs. “Trust me, Jeff has seen more than thi-.”

“Ava!!” I cut her off. Then I grit out. “Then put some clothes on because it’s more than I’ve seen before.” I hold contact with her eyes. I want to scan down her body again, but I know if I do, I’m going to do something stupid.

Ava is just staring right back at me. The only sound in the apartment is our breathing. I want to look away, but I still can’t. My eyes fall down to her lips. God. I want to kiss her. How has it been six years since I’ve felt her lips on mine? I can still taste the champagne on her lips. Smell her flowery shampoo. Feel her hands in my hair.

Suddenly, the doorbell to her apartment rings. We both look toward the door. Ava speaks first.

“That’s probably Jeff. Can you let him in?” She turns away to go back to her room.

I blow out a harsh breath that I must’ve been holding as I watch her walk away. I reach for my pants and readjust my dick before heading to the door. I open it and see Jeff standing there.

He looks confused to see me here in Ava’s apartment. I just smile and pretend I don’t hate every single cell in his body. “Jeff, good to see you.” I reach my hand out to shake his.

He relaxes a little. “Hi Parker. I heard you were back in town.” He reaches toward my outstretched hand. I grip his hand a little harder than necessary.

I invite him in and head toward the kitchen. “Yeah. I’m actually staying in the guest apartment across the hall. I just brought over Ava’s favorite champagne before everyone got here.” I hold a glass up to Jeff to ask him if he wants one. He nods his head. “Sure.”

“Ava is just finishing getting dressed.” I say it like she was out here naked with me, which isn’t a total lie even if it wasn’t for the reasons I made it sound like.

Jeff doesn’t take the bait. “Sounds good. Don’t want to rush her. Can’t mess up one of Ava’s masterpieces.”

I just smile back at him, trying not to stare daggers at him while I sip on my own champagne.

I take a moment and take Jeff in. He’s not a bad looking guy. He at least finally grew into that height of his. He has a good job, and he seems to be sweet to Ava. I should be happy she is seeing someone like him, but I can’t be. I hate him. I hate him with everything in me.

She doesn’t like him. She never has. She used to always joke with me about everything wrong with him, so I’d stop teasing her about her family trying to push them together, and he’s had his hands on her. Suddenly, I am just staring at his hands. I clench my teeth together, and my hands ball into fists. I need some air.

Luckily, before anything crazy happens like me full on attacking Jeff, Rachel calls and says she’s at the front desk. I ring down to the doorman to let her up. A couple minutes later she is at the door.

Rachel knows a little bit about my situation with Ava and always jokes that I am in love with her. I pull her into a hug. “Hey Rach.”

She hugs me back, but she can feel the tension in my body. She glances over to Jeff. “Is everything okay?”

I just blow out a breath. “I could use your help tonight.”

As if on cue, Ava comes back out of her room. She looks breathtaking in her dress. She still looks like an angel. More of a real angel now than the sexual tease she was earlier. The dress is a light blue with thin straps. It falls perfectly on her body and flows like she is walking on a cloud with that slit up the thigh I was talking about.

We all just stare at her as she comes out. She looks to Jeff first. “Hey Jeff.”

He gives her a kiss on the cheek, and she smiles back at him. There’s something off about her smile though. It’s not exactly a fake smile, but it’s not the same way she’d always smile at me. Maybe I am reading too much into it, but I am taking every win I can.