I’m heading to the couple of addresses that Ava texted me to pick up her items when Doug calls. “Hey Doug.”

“Hey man. How is it you’ve been here a whole two weeks and this is the first time we’ve talked. Ava keeping you busy?”

I chuckle “Yeah, you could say that.”

“That’s my girl.” He laughs. “So Becca wants to know if you are taking a date tonight. Otherwise, she wants you to head over there with us. We can pick you up. Ava’s place is on the way.”

I pause to think. I asked my friend Rachel if she was free tonight. She said she wasn’t doing anything, so she said to let her know if I wanted her to come. I told her I’d let her know after lunch.

I’ve known Rachel since I was a kid. She was often my plus one whenever I was in the city for anything. We are more like family than friends. I’ve always thought of her more as a cousin than just a friend since her parents had been best friends with my parents before they died. She even lived with us for a summer when I was eight while her parents traveled.

“I’m not sure yet. I have to call Rachel when I’m done with some errands.”

“Alright, well let me know by five. Our car is leaving around five thirty.”

“Sounds good. I’ll text you in about an hour.”

“Perfect. We can still pick you guys up. We haven’t seen Rachel in forever. I’m sure Becca will wanna catch up.”

“Okay. I’ll let you know. Gotta go. I’m driving now.”

“Alright. See ya tonight.”


I hang up the phone and toss it on the passenger seat. I don’t know why I am hesitating asking Rachel to come with me. It’s not like Ava is going alone. She has a date. Why shouldn't I?

I pull into the first address that Ava texted me. I walk in the front door and am surrounded by women’s underwear. Jesus. Did she really send me to pick up her panties for tonight?

The sales lady greets me. “Can I help you find anything? Looking for a gift for a special lady?”

I just smile back. “I actually am just picking up an order. Should be under CSM’s account.”

The girl smiles back. “Ah yes. I have it right behind the counter. We just need a card to put it on.”

I follow her to the register and she pulls out a box. “Please just check this is the correct item and we’ll ring it up.”

I open the box and just stare at its contents for a moment. It is a black lacy corset with matching thong. When I don’t say anything for a moment, the lady asks, “Is everything okay with it?”

I look back up at her. Why does Ava need this for tonight? It hardly seems like it would be the best option for her dress. Is she planning on showing Jeff? God. Why can’t I stop thinking about her with Jeff now?

I clench my hands into fists. “It’s fine, but I thought there was going to be something else too.”

The sales lady

looks at the order. “This is the only thing listed on the order. I can help you find whatever you are looking for though if you describe it.”

I pull out my phone and pull up the picture of Ava’s dress that she sent me on Tuesday to color match with her earrings. “What would go best with this in the same size?”

The sales lady takes a look. “With that color, I would probably wear something nude. I can show you a couple of options.”

I nod my head at her, and she leads me into a different part of the store. I pick out the most bland looking one they have. It’s just a tan bra and panties. No lace or frills. Seamless is what the sales lady called them so they won’t show up under the dress. I buy them both and head back to my car. Serves her right for trying to make me pick out her sex outfit for tonight. God. I don’t want to picture Ava having sex with anyone. Unless it’s me.

I reach for my phone and call Rachel. “Hello?”

“Hey Rach, you still good to come tonight?”

“Will there still be free food and booze?”