I stand up too. “I’ll help.”

I follow Parker into the kitchen, and the second we are around the corner, Parker pulls me to him and kisses me. He pulls back, and I smile at him. “What was that?”

He grins back at me. “I couldn’t wait until we got home.”

I laugh. “Home? You know you don’t live with me right?”

He just smiles bigger and leans in for another kiss. “Not yet.”

Becca calls from the living room. “What’s taking so long? I need those cookies you promised me.”

Parker laughs and then kisses me one more time. When he pulls away, he squeezes my ass, and I let out a little yelp. Becca comes into the kitchen seconds later. “What’s going on in here?”

She looks between me and Parker with a knowing look. I just smile at her. “Nothing.”

She just laughs. “Oh please. You guys are worse than a couple of teenagers trying to sneak around making out in their parents basement.”

Parker pats Becca on the shoulder. “Don’t worry we were just making out in the kitchen. Who knows how far things would get if we were in the basement.”

I open my mouth at him. “Parker!”

He looks back at me. “What? It’s just Becca. You probably already told her about our sex date.”

Becca coughs. “Your what?” She looks over to me. “What’s your sex date?”

I glare over at Parker and grit out. “Something that can still be cancelled if you don’t behave yourself.”

He just laughs. “Oh please. I’m the one who had to convince you to wait. You were alllll over me.” I roll my eyes and Becca laughs. “Wait, you two haven’t even done it yet? No wonder you’re making out in the kitchen. You need to relieve some of this sexual tension. That date better be for tonight.”

“Friday.” Becca’s mouth drops open. “Oh remind me to avoid you two for the next week. Ava is dramatic enough as is. I don’t think I can handle sexually frustrated Ava.”

I look over to Becca. “Hey!” She just laughs. “What? It’s true.”

Parker laughs too. “You don’t have to worry about me, I can handle satisfying myself.”

Becca puts up her hands. “I don’t need to hear this. Give me those cookies.”

I hand her the cookies without taking my eyes away from Parker. “Oh, you think I can’t?” He just smirks at me. “No, but I just wanted you to tell me about it?”

I smirk back at him. “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” I run my hand down my stomach like I am going to touch myself. Parker grabs my hand. “No. I changed my mind. Save that for Friday. I don’t want you touching yourself before then.”

I laugh at him. “How would you know?”

He looks down at me and smiles. “Trust me. If you touch yourself before Friday, I’ll know. I can always tell when you are lying.”

I turn to walk out of the kitchen and then look over my shoulder. “Do toys count?”

Parker just groans and pushes me back out into the living room. We stick around for about another hour and then head out back home. We laugh and talk the whole way home. Nothing feels awkward between us.

When we get to my apartment door though, things change. I don’t know exactly what to do, so I just search around in my purse for a minute looking for my key. I found it a couple of times, but I didn’t want to go in yet, so I just pretended I was still looking for it. I finally pull it out and look up at Parker.

He looks just as conflicted as me. He reaches behind his head and rubs his neck. “This waiting thing was a dumb idea huh?”

I let out a little laugh “Yeah. Kinda.”

He blows out a breath. “Alright then, well, I guess I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

I smile back at him. “Yeah, I guess you will.”