We finally stop laughing and Dean sighs. “We couldn’t have a girl though. Could you imagine a little sassy toddler Caroline. I don’t think I could handle that much attitude.”

I slap at his arm. “Oh please. Pretty sure that’s what you like most about me.”

Dean just grins at me. I lean back into his embrace and we just lay like that enjoying each other. I don’t know what the future for me and Dean holds, but right at this moment all is as it should be.


1 Year Later

Ally answers the door to her apartment and pulls me into a huge hug. “Happy Birthday!”

She grabs my hand and pulls me into her apartment. “I know we're celebrating this weekend, but I thought I could still give you your gift today.”

Since my birthday is on a Wednesday this year, I told Ally we should just all go out this weekend instead and just me and Dean are going out to dinner tonight. Ally of course protested and said she could handle weeknight drinks, but I figured it’d be more fun if we wait.

She pulls me into the living room where a present is sitting on the coffee table. She hands it to me as she asks “So what are you and Dean doing tonight?”

I came over to Ally’s before Dean got home from work today so she could help me get ready.

“I’m not sure yet. Dean said it’s a surprise. I told him I wanted him to wear one of his suits though.” I wiggle my eyebrows at Ally. She laughs and fans herself. “Phew! That man sure does know how to wear a suit!” We both burst into a fit of giggles like we are back in middle school talking about our crushes.

I open Ally’s gift. It’s some fancy boutique sunglasses she probably got for pennies on the dollar with her firm. I gave Ally a hug. “Thanks. I’ve never had sunglasses that cost more than ten dollars.” She laughs “I know! I was there when you picked out your last pair at the grocery store. The grocery store!”

I laugh. “Hey those were pretty good ones though.”

She shrugs. “I guess they weren’t bad.”

She starts walking toward her room and I follow. “So did Dean give you his present yet?”

We walk into her room, and she motions for me to sit at her vanity so she can start on my hair.

I smile and blush thinking about how Dean woke me up this morning. I was still halfway dreaming when I felt his mouth sucking on my nipples. I grumbled and stirred a little, still not fully awake. “What are you doing?”

He continued to circle my nipple with his tongue when his deep sexy voice softly whispered. “Good morning beautiful. Happy birthday.”

His tongue trailed down my body, and then he began placing soft kisses all over my thighs. He was so gentle that I felt like I was still in a dream. When his tongue finally plunged into me, my whole body came alive and suddenly I was wide awake.

I swear he kept getting me so close to the edge so many times and always knew just when to pull away so I wouldn’t fall over the edge. It eventually became too much to bear and I took his head in my hands and shoved his face into my pussy, and I ground on his tongue harder than ever before. It was one of the best orgasms of my entire life.

When I finished, I pushed Dean back onto his back to return the favor. He protested and said I didn’t have to since it was my birthday, but I just told him you can’t tell the birthday girl no. Let’s just say Dean went off to work today with a little more pep in his step than usual.

I snap back to the present and look up at Ally. “He said he’d give it to me tonight at dinner.”

“Ooo fancy. I bet it’s jewelry! I feel like you can only bring jewelry gifts to dinner. Otherwise you’d have a huge birthday bag sitting on the table right in the way.” She pauses for a second. “Oh! I did tell him about that diamond leaf bracelet you loved. Oh I bet he got you one. You have to show me this weekend. It’ll go perfect with the dress we picked up!”

I laugh. “A little early to be planning my outfit when you don’t even know if he got that for me. Watch it be like a sweater.”

Ally cringes. “That man better not buy you a sweater.”

We both laugh, and then we spend the next hour figuring out our plan for this weekend and finishing my hair and makeup.

I put on the dress Ally got me from one of her trips. It is a tiny black dress that is low cut and very tight around my ass. There is lace along the low cut neckline and thin straps that expose my shoulders and collarbone. It’s not something I’d usually wear, but I figured I could be a little extra sexy for my birthday. Ally lets me borrow her red pumps. I walk out of the bathroom and give a little twirl. Ally whistles at me. “Damn girl! You look like sex on legs.”

We both laugh, and then the doorbell rings. I look at Ally. “Last second for touch ups. Am I missing anything?”

“No way you look perfect. You’re going to knock him dead.” I smile at her and head to the door.

I swing it open and Dean is standing there in one of his fitted suits with a huge smile on his face. Speaking of sex on legs. Damn.