“Hey, you’re the one who brought it up.” I shoot back at him.

Derek laughs. “Your dad has a point.”

Brian just shrugs again. “So? What was it then?”

“We ran into your mom downtown. She introduced herself as my wife. Caroline took off before I could explain.”

Brian cringes. “Hey Derek, can you give us a second?”

Derek nods. “Sure, I’m going to do some inventory. Holler if anyone needs anything.”

Once Derek walks away, I turn to Brian. “I’m sorry about earlier. I know you probably didn’t understand at the time, but I thought I was going to lose her. I still might. I don’t know. Anyway, my point is I crossed a line with you, and I regret that.”

Brian gives a half smile. “It’s okay dad. If I'd known Caroline was pinball girl, I never would have punched you.”

I laugh. “Thanks, but I probably deserved it.”

He doesn’t argue with that.

“So you said she needed time to think tonight. Then what? Are you meeting tomorrow?”

I shake my head and take a sip of my drink. “I hope so.”

Brian smiles. “If I can make sure she shows up tomorrow, what are you going to do to win her back?”

I smile back at him. “Whatever it takes.”

Chapter 14


We’re on our second movie now, and I am feeling pretty tipsy from all of the wine. My phone pings with a text message, and my heart rate picks up. Why am I hoping it’s Dean? That doesn’t even make sense. He doesn’t even have my number, but since I am here with Ally and Jessica who are usually the one’s who text me the most, I just got hopeful that maybe he got my number from Brian or something.

I see Brian’s name on the screen and show my phone to Ally to show her he is texting me. She immediately pauses the movie, so we can all see what he has to say. Both girls lean in close to take a look

Ally pipes up. “He already begging for you to take him back?”

I laugh and roll my eyes. “God. I hope not.”

I open the text message and read out loud so Ally and Jessica know what he said.

Brian: Don’t worry about my dad being married. It’s not like it seems.

P.S. I’ll be staying at Jason’s tomorrow night, so my dad will be all by his lonely sad self tomorrow. *wink emoji*

Ally squeals. “Alright maybe this Brian kid ain’t so bad after all.” She pauses and then excitedly adds. “But I still get to be the one to tell him you’re going to be his mommy when Dean proposes.”

I laugh. “Proposes? God Ally. We’ve only been on one real date.”

“Trust me. I have a sense about these things.”

Jessica laughs and adds. “I don’t have a sense about these things and even I agree with her.” She sticks her thumb out toward Ally.”

Ally grins, satisfied someone is agreeing with her.

“Besides what else do you need to know? You’ve already slept together, lived together, you know his son probably better than he does, and you even already found out about his secret wife. I’d say you know Dean more after that one date than I knew any of my past boyfriends.”

I laugh and roll my eyes at her. “A lot of those past boyfriends did only last one date.”