Before the words are out of my mouth, Dean pulls me in close and slams his mouth against mine. I don’t know if he wanted this kiss in case it’s the last time we get to kiss each other or if he is trying to convince me to come back to him. Either way I give in and kiss him back. The kiss is different than the ones we’ve shared before. Maybe it’s because we both know this isn’t leading to sex, but it feels like he is trying to tell me how he feels about me with his mouth and his tongue. After a few moments, he pulls back and leans his head against my forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

I give a small smile and just nod my head. “Bye.” I whisper, and then I walk out before I do something I'll regret.

Chapter 12

I knock on Ally’s door, and she opens it right away. “Oh honey.” She pulls me into a hug.

“C’mon. You just need some girl time. I was just opening a bottle of wine. Jessica will be here in about an hour. I dug deep in my closet and found my collection of chick flick DVDs.”

I set my bag next to the couch and laugh. “Do you even have a DVD player?”

“The Xbox plays them. Good thing I dated that gamer dude back freshmen year huh?”

I laugh again. Ally has dated so many guys in college that I don’t even remember a gamer one. “You are probably the most diverse person I know just because of all the different types of guys you’ve dated.”

Ally takes a pretend bow. “Thank you. Thank you.”

I laugh again. I’m so glad I’m here. I needed to just take a break and breathe. There’s never any drama with me and Ally. That’s why we're best friends. “Speaking of men you’ve dated. Who are you seeing these days? I saw you were hanging out with Doug again.” I wiggle my eyebrows at her. “You hitting that again?”

Ally gets the biggest grin on her face. “A lady never tells.”

We both burst out laughing because I know more details about her sex life than most of the guys she was having sex with.

We head into the kitchen, and Ally grabs a couple of wine glasses and fills them. She hands me mine, and I pretty much down the whole thing in one sip.

Ally smiles at me when I set my glass down, and she doesn’t miss a beat refilling it.

“Want to talk about it? Or do you just want a distraction while you process it?”

I think for a second. “Can I have both?”

Ally laughs. “Of course! Duh.” She grabs the bottle of wine.

“I’ll just take this with us. C’mon I was about to do my nails. You can pretend I’m a spa therapist.”

We head to the living room and sit by the coffee table where she set her nail stuff out on. I start taking off my old polish when Ally says. “Alright I’m ready. Spill your guts.”

“Oh man. I don’t even know where to start.”

“Well, last I heard, you were heading off on your big date with Dean and were going to tell that dickshit Brian off.”

I laugh. Ally still hates Brian and don’t get me wrong, I’m still mad about what he did, but after our talk I just don’t care quite as much anymore.

“The date was wonderful. Probably the best date I’ve ever been on.” Ally beams at me and then I add. “Until we ran into his wife.”

Ally’s smile drops from her face and she shakes her a head a few times. “Wait what? He’s married? How did you not know that?”

Now I shake my head and throw my hands up in frustration. I really needed to vent to get all my feelings out there in the open. “I have no idea! She obviously doesn’t live with him. You haven’t even heard the best part. His wife is Brian’s mom.”

Ally covers her hand over her mouth. “What? No.

How is that possible? Brian never said his parents were married, did he? Have they been married this whole time? Maybe when they turned eighteen? How come Brian didn’t live with his dad if his parents were married?”

The questions will probably keep coming so I stop her. “I have no idea. I didn’t exactly talk to Dean about it yet.”

Ally looks even more confused now. “What, so you just ran into his wife and then you just ran away and didn’t ask him about it?”

I cringe and Ally notices. “Oh my god! That’s exactly what you did, isn’t it?”