Dean: Haha! Pretty sure you’re the one who has run out on me twice now without even giving me your number.

Me: Yeah, yeah. It’s called fleeing the scene before I do something stupid. Goodnight Dean.

Dean: Goodnight Caroline.

Chapter 15

I wake up the next morning sore as anything. Man, I really can’t keep sleeping on this couch. My head has that sharp pain shooting through it consistent with my usual hangovers. I hear Ally in the kitchen, so I rub my eyes and yawn and then head that way.

She already has the coffee going thank goodness. I sit down on one of the bar stools in the kitchen. “Where do you keep your Tylenol?”

She nods toward the bottle she already got out sitting on the counter.

“Why are wine hangovers the worst? I swear last month at the Vegas conference I had at least 7 shots of tequila, and, I mean, I threw up for most of the night, but then I felt perfectly fine the next day.”

We both laugh. She eyes me up and down. “You look rough. That how you want to go have your talk with Dean?”

“Wow. Thanks Ally.” I stick my tongue out at her. “I just woke up. Can a girl catch a break?”

Ally laughs. “Sorry girl, but I have to leave for work in 15 minutes. You going to be able to pull yourself together today?”

“Yeah. I only have online classes on Mondays, so I pretty much have the whole day to pretty myself up.”

Ally finishes her coffee and then jumps up. “Alright I gotta go get dressed and then I'm out of here. Should I expect you home tonight?” She gives a little wink at the last part.

I huff out a breath. “I’m not sure yet. Can I keep you posted?”

Ally reaches out and gives me a hug. “Of course. I’ll be home around six tonight. If you can try to let me know before in case I run into a sexy stranger on my way home and want to bring him back here.” She jokes.

I laugh. “Somehow I don’t think me being here would stop you from bringing home a sexy stranger.”

She laughs and shrugs. “Probably not, but I’m nosy. I want to know the details about your talk.”

“Yeah, okay fine. I will either show up here tonight a huge mess or I’ll call you tomorrow with details.”

She adds. “After you’ve been sexed up!”

I laugh. “Oh my god Ally! Go to work!”

Ally jogs over to her room. “Don’t forget to call me tomorrow!” She shouts over her shoulder like she has no doubt I won’t be coming back to her place tonight. I take another sip of my coffee. If only I had that much confidence.


I pull into Dean’s driveway and step out of the car. I just stand there for a minute looking at the house. Even though I was just here yesterday, it feels like it’s been forever. How did so much change over one day?

I walk up to the door, and I feel nervous, so I don’t ring the bell right away. It reminds me of when Brian and I first got here and how I was nervous to meet his dad. I laugh to myself. I was imagining Brian’s dad to look like a typical dad. You know. White sneakers and his T-shirt tucked into his cargo shorts while he flips burgers on the grill. Beer in hand to go with his beer belly. Boy was I wrong.

I take one more big breath and shake my arms at my sides to get rid of the nerves and ring the bell.

It only takes a couple seconds before Dean is pulling the door open. He smiles big at me. I can’t help but smile back with the way he is looking at me. Then my eyes drop a little and take in what he is wearing. A t-shirt with the exact same sweatpants as the gray ones just in black. I raise my eyes back to his and cock and eyebrow. He just grins. “What? You said I couldn’t wear my gray sweatpants.” I laugh and roll my eyes.

We both walk into the house and stop in the entryway just looking at each other for a few seconds not knowing what to say. Finally, I break the silence. “Hey.”

He gives me a small smile. “Hey.” He motions toward the living room. “Want to sit?”

Before I go any further, I just blurt out. “Are you and Brian okay?”

Dean looks surprised that is the first thing I asked. I continue. “I know you two were never super close, but that is the last thing I wanted to happen. I don’t want to go any further with us if you guys aren’t good with each other. I mean Brian texted me yesterday and he sounded okay but you know how texts are, so maybe he isn’t really and I-.”