Page 35 of Bitter

Chapter 10

Reed and I didn’t talk much at the grocery store. I’d tell him what I needed help with, and he would help find everything I was looking for. He kept his promise though. He stayed by my side the whole day, including now.

I’ve never had someone help me cook before, and it’s kind of amazing. I never would have been able to get all this food ready for this party by myself. I turn to him and smile. “How am I supposed to do this without you?” I ask in a joking manner.

He smiles back, easing some of the tension between us. “I’ll be here.”

I roll my eyes. “You can’t always be here, Reed.”

He raises his eyebrows. “How do you know? Maybe it’s been a lifelong dream of mine to be a chef’s assistant,” he jokes.

Then he grins bigger. “Instead of calling it Jake’s or Tony’s, maybe we could combine our names.” He taps his chin like he’s thinking. “Let’s see. Reed and Wren. Ren’s.”

I laugh. “That’s literally just my name, you dork.”

He smirks back. “Exactly. Don’t let her take this from you,” he says more seriously.

I give him a half smile back when, speak of the devil, his mom walks into the kitchen. “How’s everything coming? Smells amazing in here.”

I smile at her. “Good. Are guests starting to arrive? Appetizers are almost ready. I just have to plate them.”

She nods. “A few people have trickled in.”

I am not exactly sure what she means by that since she told Reed this was a small dinner party, and yet I am making food for fifty people. Reed doesn’t look her way until she calls his name. Her tone suggests she thinks everything is okay between the two of them even though it’s not. That’s what she does best though. If she pretends nothing is wrong, then she doesn’t have to admit to her wrong behavior.

Reed chooses not to fight her on it today, probably for my sake. “Yeah?” he says, still sounding slightly annoyed so she knows he isn’t happy.

“I just ran into Katie out there. I told her you were here. She should be back here in a second after she’s done talking with Lisa,” she beams.

My heart drops to my stomach, and I shoot my eyes over to Reed. He purposely doesn’t look my way. “I’m working,” he grits through his teeth.

She ignores him. “She tells me she’s coming to the wedding with you. Is she staying with us at the house?”

The metal spoon in my hand drops, clattering on the floor. I quickly drop down to pick it up, but Reed does as well at the same time. “Wren,” he whispers to me.

“Don’t,” I say back as I stand back up.

Reed turns back to his mom. “No. She’s not staying.”

A moment later, Katie is walking into the kitchen. She looks good in her designer dress. Her hair is perfectly highlighted and blown out. Even her nails don’t have a single chip on them.

I give her as friendly of a smile as I can manage before I turn around and pretend I need to stir the sauce on the stove. I glance down at my own dress that I bought last year at a department store. Jake barely ever gave me clothes money because he was always saying the money was tied up in one thing or another. Little did I know, he was probably spending it on hotels for his affairs when he was telling me he was at work conferences.

“Hi Reed,” Katie says as she approaches the counter.

His mom turns to her. “Reed says you aren’t coming in the night before for the wedding?”

Reed steps in before she can answer. “Mother,” he says, sounding annoyed.

She finally gets the hint and says she’ll catch up later and walks out of the kitchen. Katie doesn’t seem to have the same thought as she gets cozy, leaning against the counter. “You look good in the kitchen, Reed,” she tries to joke.

I continue to stir my sauce so I don’t accidentally show her exactly how I’m feeling. “Wren, it’s so cool that you’re doing this. Reed told me all about it,” she calls out to me.

My hand stops mid-stir. I grip the spoon with all my might to try to maintain my composure. I swallow hard, and then I glance over my shoulder and give her the best smile I can manage. “Thanks. We’ll see how it goes.”

She gives me a huge smile back, showcasing her perfect teeth. “Oh, I’m sure it’ll be great! Reed is always talking about your food. I can’t wait to try everything.”

Logically I know she’s just being friendly, but she is rubbing me in all the wrong ways right now. Reed too. That fucker. I hate the thought of him discussing anything about me with her.

I give her another smile and turn back to the sauce. Reed must be able to tell how uncomfortable the situation is because he smiles at her. “We have to get the final touches done now. Catch up with you later?” he asks politely to get her to leave.

Luckily she knows how to take a hint. “Sounds good.”

She walks out of the kitchen, leaving Reed and I alone again. He turns to me, and I can tell he wants to talk about it. I try to avoid it at all costs. “Can you grab the apps out of the oven and help me plate them?” I ask to try to avoid the subject.

He leans against his hand on the counter next to me. “Not until you look at me.”

I glance my eyes his way without fully turning. “C’mon, Wren,” he sighs.

“What?” I bite out as I turn to him.

“I asked her to come over a month ago,” he tries to explain himself.