Page 17 of Bitter

Reed finds me a few hours later panicking in my room with clothes laid all over the bed. He laughs as he walks in. “What are you doing?”

I give him an angry stare. “I’m trying to find something to wear for tonight.”

He laughs as he sits down on top of all the clothes on my bed. “We’re just going to the bar. There isn’t a dress code.”

I roll my eyes. “I want to look good.”

He makes a confused face. “What for?”

I laugh as I walk back into my closet. “So maybe I can get laid by my date tonight.”

This catches his attention. He sits up straight on the bed. “What date?”

I walk back out holding two shirts. “This one or this one?” I ask as I alternate the shirts in front of him.

“That one.” He points to the one on the left. “What date?” he asks again.

I turn and set the other shirt on my dresser. “Uhm…” I hesitate because I never actually caught his name. I feel so dumb now that I didn’t ask, but I mean he didn’t either. “It’s the grocery store manager.”

He stands from the bed. “You’re joking, right?” he asks seriously.

I don’t want to answer him, so I pull my shirt off to try on the new one, leaving me in my sports bra. The moment I do Reed shouts from behind me. “Wren! House rules!”

I turn around and smirk at him. “House rules were that I wore a bra when we have people over. I’m wearing a bra and we don’t even have guests over. We never even technically specified if I had to have a shirt over it.”

He turns around but doesn’t leave the room. “Stop changing the subject. You didn’t seriously ask the grocery store manager out?”

I throw the new shirt on. “Of course I did. Why are you being such an ass? There’s nothing wrong with him. Why are you acting like you’re better than him?”

He turns back around and sighs. “I didn’t say that.”

I place a hand on my hip. “Then what’s the problem?”

He looks at me like I’m acting ridiculous. “Don’t you think it’s a little weird?” He raises his eyebrows in question.

I narrow my eyes. “No. No I don’t. And since when did we make it okay to criticize each other’s dates? You don’t see me talking shit about Kelly or Kelsy or whatever her name was. And trust me, I could find a thing or two to say.”

Reed steps closer, his face hardening. “By all means, please do tell.”

I swallow hard as I realize how close he is. My breath comes out faster than before. “How about we don’t make things weird and talk to each other about our love lives, okay?”

He steps back and clenches his jaw. “Yeah, got it.” Then he turns and shuts the door harder than necessary as he leaves.

I blow out a breath once he’s gone. Maybe I should take the grocery store guy somewhere else tonight. Reed and I can’t seem to stop interfering with each other’s relationships. It might be better if we kept that part of our lives separate.

My phone pings from the bed. I walk over and pick it up.

Unknown Number: Wren, you better be the girl from the grocery store or I’m going to go crazy. Why would you leave without giving me your name? Haha. Please say yes.

Me: I’d ask who this is, but I also would have no way to confirm it’s who I’m thinking of. Hm...plans to have a man at my house without even getting his name. I feel so naughty.

Unknown Number: Oh, thank God! Do you know how many numbers I had to text? Beautiful name, but did it have to be almost at the end of the alphabet?

Me: Oh? You have that many names in your phone that you don’t remember who they are?

Unknown Number: Haha I haven’t deleted phone contacts since college.

Me: How far would I have to go down my phone then?

Unknown Number: Not far. I’m Andy.

Me: Glad to officially meet you, Andy! We’re meeting at the bar at 8 p.m., but you can get there whenever.

I save his contact information in my phone and go back to getting ready for tonight. My phone pings again, so I look down at it.

Andy: I’d hate to miss a moment. You’ll find me there at 7:45.

Me: So responsible. Is it hot in here?

Andy: Haha! Can’t wait! See you there!