Page 64 of Bitter

Chapter 16

I awake to a hard dick rubbing against my ass and Reed’s teeth biting on my shoulder. “What happened to not knowing protocol?” I mumble, still half asleep.

“I want you,” his voice rumbles in my ear. “Please let me have you,” he begs.

Fuck. Those words should be the protocol for every situation. His fingers knead my ass over my shorts, and his other hand slips under the front of my shirt. “Reed…” I trail off.

Suddenly there’s a pounding on the bedroom door, which makes Reed jolt back like he’s a teenage boy getting caught kissing a girl in his mom’s basement. “Wren!” my mom yells from the other side. “You guys want breakfast?” she shouts.

Of course the one time my mom decides to be nice is when I want her further away than ever. Reed jumps out of the bed so fast and crosses the room and throws on a shirt and sweatpants, but not before I get a good eyeful of him in nothing but his black briefs.

He glances my way as he finishes pulling on his clothes, and he gives me an adorable grin. “Stop looking at me like that,” he warns me.

“Don’t act like I started this,” I giggle.

He smirks before walking over to the door and peeking it open. “Thanks, but we’re going to grab breakfast on our way.”

My mom’s interest peaks. “On your way where?”

Reed leans into the doorframe and lowers his voice like he doesn’t want me to hear him. “Wren needs to get away. The wedding was hard for her. Reminded her of Jake.”

My mom pretends she’s concerned before he shuts the door. When he turns around, my mouth is hanging open. “What?” he laughs.

I raise an eyebrow at him. “I don’t know if I can trust you anymore with the way you can so easily come up with lies.”

He laughs as he walks over to the bed and crawls up next to me, laying on his stomach with his head in his hands. “You trusted me before?”

I slide down next to him and smile. “With my life.”

He groans. “We’re leaving. Now. Get up.”

He hops out of bed again and starts heading toward his room. I laugh. “What’s the rush?”

“Hurry up, Wren!” he yells without looking back.

We pull up to the cottage a few hours later. Reed sighs when we finally come to a stop. “Oh, thank God. I don’t think I could last another minute in a car with you.” He smirks my way, telling me he’s joking.

I swat at his arm anyway. “Shut up. You love car karaoke. Don’t lie.”

“Mhmm.” He grins as he steps out of the truck.

He reaches his arms over his head and starts stretching from the long ride here. I walk around the front of the truck over to him. I very obviously check him out while he does it, and he gives me a soft smile.

He drops his arms from above his head and reaches out and grabs my hand. He pulls me close up to his chest and cups my jaw as he lowers his mouth to mine. The kiss was sweet enough, but I don’t know if it’s because we are finally truly alone or because we never really finished what we started yesterday, but it feels like he’s losing control almost immediately.

His hands become more frantic as he deepens the kiss. He walks me back until my back hits the truck, and then he lifts me and presses himself against me. I gasp as I come to my senses. “Reed, wait!”

He groans as he sets me back on my feet. “Wren, c’mon.”

I try to catch my breath. “I’m not sure what time they are arriving yet.”

“I don’t care,” he says harshly as he kisses me again. “They can…” He pauses to continue kissing me. “Watch…” Another kiss. “For all I care…”

“Reed!” I laugh as I push him back. “What’s gotten into you?”

He groans again. “Nothing. I want to get into you.”

“Oh my God,” I laugh harder. “Help me grab the bags. I’ll ask Ellie when they are coming.”

“Fine.” He still sounds annoyed as he kisses me one more time. “But get rid of them as soon as dinner is over.”

He grabs the bags out of the back and throws them over his shoulder. I walk behind him so I can check out his ass on the way in. His jeans are hanging just right, and his t-shirt clings to his back. It’s the backward baseball cap that’s doing it for me though. Jake would never wear something like that, but I have no idea why because just damn.

He glances over his shoulder and smiles at me like he knows exactly what I’m doing back here. “What’s taking you so long?” he jokes as he continues walking up to the house.

I pull my phone out and call Ellie. They are only about twenty minutes away. I guess she was trying to arrive before us, but she wasn’t expecting us to get out of the house so early this morning. Once I told her about my parents staying with us though, she understood right away.