Page 63 of Bitter

He lets out a rough sigh. “Don’t ask me that, Wren.” He leans forward and kisses my forehead. “I’ll use the hall bathroom. I’m going to shower. You can use this one.”

He walks out of the room, and I head into the bathroom. When I’m done getting ready for bed, I walk back out into my room. Reed still isn’t back. I heard his shower turn off when I was brushing my teeth, so I’m not sure what’s taking him so long. He must be trying to figure out what the hell we’re doing.

I pull out the sofa bed for him and set a blanket and pillow on it, and then I slide into my own bed and turn off the lights. The room illuminates slightly a few minutes later as the bedroom door opens and closes. I hear Reed walking from behind my back, and then there’s a pause before finally my bed dips as he crawls in under the covers next to me.

I actually feel my body relax in relief that he made this choice. I didn’t realize how badly I wanted him to until he did.

He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me back up against his bare chest. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as safe and protected as I do in this moment. I feel so at peace like I don’t have to worry about anything because I know that Reed won’t let anything bad happen to me.

He lightly kisses my shoulder. “No more bad dreams,” he whispers in my ear.

I respond by cuddling closer to him and relaxing completely until I drift off into the most peaceful sleep I’ve had since Jake walked out that door for the last time.