Page 56 of Bitter

Chapter 15

After the ceremony, I ran into my parents. I’m not really sure why Tina invited them. I guess because people don’t really know I don’t get along with my parents well. Even my own parents probably don’t really know. I mostly just try to avoid them.

It’s one of the reasons I didn’t see all the red flags when I was dating Jake. He was my lifesaver. He supported me financially, and I was able to get away from my parents’ house. Looking back now, we probably rushed into things. I was just the stupid one who thought it was love.

Unfortunately for me, Tina thought it would be a good idea to put me at their table. My mom hasn’t stopped complaining about the hotel that I paid for. My dad mostly stays quiet and looks at his phone for most of the night. The speeches are almost done, so I can finally get up from this table to get away from them. There’s a dessert bar I’ve been eyeing for the past fifteen minutes.

The moment the toasts are finished, I get up and head over to the dessert table. I grab one of the little plates they have available, but I wish it was a full size. How am I supposed to choose?

When I reach the end of the bar, I have my plate double stacked with various items. I run into Reed when I turn toward the terrace to head outside and away from my parents. He looks at my plate and gives me a smirk. “You know, you could have come back for seconds.”

“Oh?” I ask innocently as I grab one of the chocolate covered strawberries and bite it as seductively as possible. It mostly just drips juice down my chin, but Reed doesn’t seem to notice as he lets out a nervous laugh.

“Hey, I booked us a couple more events,” he says casually.

I open my eyes wide. “You what?”

“The first one is a couple weeks out,” he says as he grabs his phone and starts typing. “There, just sent you the dates, so make sure you take off work.”

I smile gratefully, but then I get nervous. “You’re booking me events at your cousin’s wedding? How am I ever supposed to do this on my own? I’m not as social as you.”

He gives me a reassuring smile. “I’m not going anywhere, Wren.”

I look at him right in the eyes. “Don’t promise me that.”

He looks like he wants to say more but instead decides to change the subject. “You won’t need to market so much once word of mouth gets going. We should also set you up a website, or at least some social media pages for people to contact you about booking.”

I blow out a long breath. “There’s so much to figure out. How are you so good at all of this?”

He raises an eyebrow at me. “I do run my own business. You know that, right?” he asks sarcastically.

I roll my eyes. “Okay, Mr. Expert, are you going to help me set this up? What would I even post?”

He looks at me like I’m dumb. “Uhh...your food?”

I laugh. “What am I supposed to do? Cook a bunch of food just so I can take pictures of it?”

“Yes,” he grins. “Or better yet, we can do a couple of you in nothing but your apron. Sprinkle a little flour on your nose for extra effect.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh my God. I don’t even really bake.”

His eyes snap back up to mine after scanning downward. “What?” he asks.

“Bake. I don’t really bake. Why would I have flour on my nose?” I ask.

“Huh?” he asks, even more confused than before. “I’m sorry, are we talking about something besides you being naked in the kitchen?”

Before I can respond, Katie comes walking up to us. “There you are,” she says to him, and then she turns to me. “Did he tell you about the events he booked yet?”

I nod. “Just now,” I say to try to make it seem less suspicious that he was talking to me. I don’t know why I am doing that though. There’s no reason I couldn’t be talking to him about anything. It feels different now though. Like people are going to know something happened.

She gives me a forced smile like she’s trying to be friendly even though she doesn’t want to be. “He’s been working the whole wedding. And of course, none of the ladies could say no to this handsome face,” she says with a little bit of possessiveness in her voice.

Of all the people who I thought would notice something was up with us, somehow Katie seems to be the most suspicious of me. I can’t really blame her. I’ve barely tried to hide how I feel about her or him for that matter.

“Runs in the family I guess,” I say just to stick the knife in a little. Am I crazy for trying to make her feel bad about Jake when I actually am doing the thing she thinks I’m doing? Maybe.

She gives me those pity eyes, but when I turn to Reed, he looks pissed. He turns to Katie. “Want dessert?” he asks as he leads her toward the table.

“Sure,” she says as they walk away together.