Page 49 of Bitter

The rest of the night is dragging on. The anticipation is killing me. I’ve barely said another word to Reed since he walked out of the laundry room. His eyes keep catching mine though, and every time they do, he gives me that look that sends shivers down my body. He’s telling me exactly what’s to come all in his eyes.

It’s nearing ten now, and the bride and groom are starting to say their goodbyes. Finally. Thank God!

The last couple of hours were dreadful. When I walked back to the main living area after Reed, everyone was looking at me. Lucky I guess that it wasn’t for the initial reason I thought. They didn’t think I disappeared to get eaten out in the laundry room. No. They thought I was off crying somewhere or something about Jake.

Up until that point, people weren’t steering the conversation that way, but after, oh fuck after, they coudn’t fucking shut up about it. Why is it if people think you are sad about something, they think they have the right to talk to you about it? Like let me fucking deal with my sadness on my own! If I wanted to talk to you about it, then I fucking would.

I may be acting a tad overdramatic. I know they all had good intentions, but if I was upset about him, the last thing I’d want would be to be bombarded about it at Tina’s wedding party. The night should have been about her.

The worst offender was Mike. He kept profusely apologizing. I tried to tell him he had nothing to be sorry about, but the more he pushed, the more uncomfortable it became to say I don’t care. He doesn’t know me, so I had to pretend I was all torn up or it’d seem weird.

It seemed no one could think of anything else to talk about besides Jake, so I eventually tried to lay low. I’d go in and out of the kitchen. Use the bathroom more than probably physically possible. Just try to avoid any conversations at all.

I would have talked with Reed, but he hasn’t left Katie’s side the whole night. He’s doing it on purpose. I know he is. That stupid fucking smirk on his face. Ugh!

After we said goodbye to Tina and her fiance, the only people left are those staying the night here. The house has ten rooms in total, so a few aunts and uncles and cousins are all staying. While Reed’s mom sees a few more people out, I’m left alone with his dad.

We stand awkwardly quiet in the kitchen. He has always been friendly enough to me, but we have never really talked before. Whenever we were over, he’d always pretty much just talk about business with Jake. I don’t really know much about the man.

He attempts to make small talk with me to make things less awkward. “Lara tells me you’re starting a catering company.”

I smile and shrug. “I wouldn't exactly call it a company.”

He smiles at me. “Oh? She said you were a big hit at the party.”

I give a shy smile and shrug. “Reed was a big help. I don’t know if I’d be able to do it without him. He told me he’d help me get started.”

“Oh?” he asks.

“Yeah, he thinks I need a more stable career. He said I need to be able to support myself before he’ll leave,” I respond.

“Did he now?” he asks in a tone that suggests something, but I’m not quite sure what.

“Yeah,” I say quietly because I’m not really sure how to respond.

Reed walks up to us both with Katie following behind. “What’s that?” he asks his dad.

His dad turns to him. “Wren was just telling me how you are making sure she is on her feet so you can get out of her house.”

I think he was trying to make a joke, but the tone of his voice suggests otherwise. Reed and his dad share a look like they both know something I don’t, so I give an awkward laugh to try to play it off. “It’s a big house. I barely notice him,” I say to try to lighten the mood.

His mom walks back into the kitchen and up to us. “Katie darling, I’m so glad you could come today. Next time let me know and we’ll have a room for you here. You don’t need to be staying at a hotel. If you can cancel your reservation, I’m sure we can switch Reed into a room with a larger bed.”

I open my eyes wide, and Reed looks angrily at his mom. “Katie was just leaving,” he says harshly.

The look on Katie’s face tells me this is news to her, but she seems to sense his uncomfortableness and smiles. “Yeah, it’s getting late. I should go.”

I try not to, but I look at Reed anyway. His eyes were already on me. I turn and try to busy myself by placing some dishes in the sink to avoid revealing more than I want to. I glance out of the corner of my eye as Reed talks to Katie. “I’ll walk you out,” he says as he nods toward the door.

There are still some family members hanging out in the kitchen and living room area, but I give his parents a small smile. “I’m going to get ready for bed.”

I walk over to my room and into the attached bathroom. Thank God I don’t have to use the bathroom in the hall. I really don’t want to see or talk to anyone else for the rest of the night. Well, almost everyone.

I spend extra long in the shower. I decided to wash my hair tonight so I don’t have to in the morning. I can still hear people talking outside when I get in bed. I decide to pull up a book on my phone and read for a little while so I don’t have to go back out there.

Around midnight, there is still laughing and talking coming from outside my door. I’m not exactly sure how late everyone will stay up, so I plug my phone charger into my phone and pull up the background noise app on my phone and let the sound of a thunderstorm fill the room to drown out the chatter.