Page 41 of Bitter

My shift is dragging today. I barely slept at all last night. After I got home, I couldn’t fall asleep. When I finally did, my alarm woke me up what felt like two seconds later. I debated calling in, but I haven’t worked there that long. I didn’t want to mess anything up so soon after starting.

I check my phone on my final break before my shift is over. Still nothing from Reed. He hasn’t tried to get ahold of me the whole day. I know that’s selfish of me considering I’m the one who left, but I was still hoping things would be okay between us. Now I don’t know.

I decide to text him now so it’s not super awkward when I get home.

Me: Are you going to be home for dinner? I was just going to bring home some food from the restaurant.

I’m way too exhausted after yesterday and today to want to cook anything tonight, so it was technically a good reason to get ahold of him. My phone buzzes, so I look back down.

Reed: No.

I feel my heart clench. Okay. I deserved that. I look up at the ceiling for a moment to try to stay put together since I have to go back out there in a minute. My phone buzzes again, and I look down.

Reed: I won’t be home the rest of the week. We’re working on a job an hour out of the city, so I’m going to rent a room for the week.

My heart sinks even further. The whole week? He’s done jobs outside the city before and never rented a room. He’s definitely avoiding me.

Me: Will you be back before the wedding?

Reed: No.

He doesn’t say any more this time, and I don’t know how to even respond to that. Luckily, my break is over, so at least I have a distraction from how I’m feeling right now. I really fucked everything up.