Speaking of sleeping with someone. The man litterally drips sex. He’s tall and fit, and his face has lines so straight, it almost seems impossible that any man could be that sexy. His sandy blonde hair is longer on top and short on the sides. His green eyes always have a sparkle of mystery and danger to them. Not to mention all the sexy tattoos he has up his arms and all over his chiseled chest.

I think he might be a part of the Irish mafia or something, but there’s no way I could confirm that. He started coming here a couple years ago to touch up his tattoos. I always make sure I’m available to do his touch ups even if I’m already with a customer. I make Rob take over or something whenever he comes in without an appointment.

He gives me one of his sexy grins. “Oi having a bad day now arja?”

I think I literally sighed dreamily at him. That accent. It does so many things to my lady parts. “Hi Killian, how can I help you today?”

He grins at me bigger. “You can tell me how I can make that beautiful smile of yours come back.”

I bite my lip to stop myself from grinning like an idiot. “I don’t know Kill. Can you escort me to my dad’s work banquet tonight?” I ask jokingly.

He just nods. “Done.”

I shoot my eyes up to his. “I was just kidding.”

He just smirks back. “I wasn’t. When should I pick ya up?”

I blush and look down at the ground. “Kill. I don’t hang out with customers. You know that.”

He isn’t deterred. “Ey but I’m your favorite customer, so it doesn’t apply to me.”

I brush my hair behind my ear and give him a shy smile. “Okay.” I smile back at him. “Can you come to my place at 6?”

He taps the counter. “Text me yer address.”

I just laugh. “I don’t have your number.”

He gives me a huge grin. “I know. That’s why you’re going to give me your number now so you can’t bail on me.”

I laugh again and hold out my hand for him to hand over his phone. After I’m done putting my number in, I send a text to myself so that I have his. “There ya go!”

He smiles as he takes back my phone. “Alright. Now why don’tcha help me touch up me reds.”

I give him a seductive smile and start walking toward the back. “Right this way.”