Chapter 3
“Hey sexy legs, why don’t you bring your fine ass over here and help a man out?” I groan as I turn and look at the customer that just walked in. Working in a tattoo shop brings in all kinds of people, but it seems in this area especially they are all scummy.
I place my hand on my hip and raise an eyebrow at one of our regulars. “Hey Connor, this is a tattoo shop, not a whorehouse.” I snap back. I’m not as offended now that I know it’s him. Sure the guy is a douche, but I’ve grown used to his crude remarks since he’s in here all the time. He’s actually harmless, just an ass.
He just grins at me. “You a whore? Never! You’re the girl of my dreams.”
I roll my eyes. “Weren’t you just here last week? What could you possibly need done?”
He smiles bigger. “That was for my arm. I need my bull touched up. I came in just to see you so you could help me out.”
He winks, and I gag. He got a bull tattoo right above his dingaling about a year ago. I told him it was a bad idea, but he’s still convinced it helps him with the ladies. Luckily before I am forced to help him touch up the color, my cousin Rob walks out from the back. He’s the one who owns the tattoo parlor. I’ve been working here for the past 5 years or so with him.
I started out just doing piercings, but I’ve always loved to draw, so after about a year, Rob started having me help out with simple tattoos. Hearts or flowers mostly for college girls. After doing that for a while, I started helping out with more complicated ones. I also am always the one who helps with touch ups because that really doesn’t require much art skill. Rob and a couple of the other people he hired still handle most of the tattoos that aren’t simple though.
Rob must’ve known I wouldn't have wanted to handle this touch up. He looks over at Connor. “Ah Connor. I have the bed all ready for you. Come on back.”
Connor groans. “C’mon man. You know I put down Angie’s name on the appointment.”
Me and Rob both laugh. “Connor, you know her seeing that thing will only deter her from wanting you even more. If you want to stand a chance, let me handle it. Trust me.” Connor reluctantly follows Rob to the back, and I am left alone again up front.
That’s how a lot of the interactions with the males customers go. In fact, that’s how most interactions with guys in general go for me. It’s partially my fault because I sometimes encourage it. Hey sometimes I want a purely physical interaction with a guy. Nothing wrong with that.
My cousin Rob always said it’s because the guys can’t handle how my blue eyes contrast with my jet black hair. It makes them think I am some kind of sex goddess or something. Probably doesn’t help that my work attire usually consists of tiny shorts and tank tops too. I have to show off my tattoos though. This is a tattoo parlor after all.
I got my first tattoo from Rob when I was 17. He technically needed a parent’s permission, but he did it for me anyway. My dad was pissed. He came storming into Rob’s work screaming and yelling about how he defiled his little girl. As if my dad cared about me. He just didn’t want people to think I was a bad girl. It only encouraged me more since I wanted to piss my dad off, so I continued getting more tattoos over the years.
I think they are beautiful. Rob really does a great job. Although, for some reason, it does put out a vibe to guys that I am a naughty girl or something. They always just assume I’m trying to sleep with them, and they get angry when I don’t.
This is why I can’t stop thinking about Eric. He’s the only guy I’ve ever offered sex to that turned it down. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been rejected before, but never for just pure no strings attached sex. It’s driving me crazy. I mean, yeah he was worried I was too young for him, but it’s not like I was going to go around blabbing that I nailed him or something. I can’t figure the man out.
I left his house before he got back from wherever he took off to on Saturday morning. I was too embarrassed to face him. For being such a gentleman, he sure knows how to be a jerk. I check my phone again for the millionth time. He still hasn’t called or texted. It’s not like we were talking a lot before, but he has my number. He could’ve reached out if he wanted to.
Just then my phone pings with a text, and my heart rate picks up a little thinking it might be him. Emory.
I sigh. Right family. Wrong person.
Emory: Hey do you want us to pick you up for the banquet tonight? Or just meet there?’
I stare at my phone for a minute. Shit. I forgot about the banquet tonight. It’s a dinner to kick off the annual house building charity project they do every year. My dad is also in construction with his flooring business, so we all go together every year. Me, my dad, and my mom. We get to pretend we’re all a big happy family even if I barely ever even see my parents anymore. Pretty much only when my dad needs me to make an appearance somewhere or when my whole extended family gets together for holidays. I try to avoid them at all costs.
I was hoping I wouldn’t run into Eric so soon though. If more time had passed, it wouldn’t be so awkward seeing each other. Not to mention maybe I could get my feelings for him in check by then. I definitely don’t want to be in the same car as him, especially if Emory and Alaric are going to be all lovey-dovey. Not that that is Alaric’s style or anything, but who knows with the way Emory can get under his skin.
Me: I’ll just meet you there.
I see the three dots pop up showing Emory is typing back.
Emory: You know you’re going to see him there…
Me: Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I want to be forced into a car with him.
Emory: Fine. See you there. I told you sleeping with my dad was a bad idea haha!
Me: Yeah, except everything would’ve been fine if I actually slept with him. LOL!
I lay my head on my arms on the counter and groan. Why did I get myself into this mess? I hear the bell on the door ring, so I look up at the shop entrance. I smile when I see him. Killian.