Chapter 2
It took me a few minutes to figure out where I was when I woke up the next morning. Surprisingly, I did not feel very hungover. Must have something to do with all that water Eric made me drink last night. Speaking of which, I need to pee like a motherfucker. I head over into his attached bathroom and do just that.
There is still no sign of him when I’m done, so I decide to shower too. And yes, I totally used his body wash. I took extra long partly because I was all grimy from the dancing last night and partly because I just really enjoy being in his shower.
My overnight bag is still over at Emory’s, so I just grab some of his mouthwash and gargle that around to get rid of my morning breath. Then I head back out into his room and grab another one of his clean T-shirts and a pair of his boxers to throw on since all I have here is my dress from last night.
I head out to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. The house is completely silent. I peeked my head in the two bedrooms on my way out and didn’t see him in either, so he must’ve left the house. I don’t know why that bothers me. It kind of feels like I got ditched after a one night stand except I didn’t even get to any of the good stuff. Like you can’t sneak out before I wake up if we didn’t even sleep together.
I’m pouring myself some cereal when I hear the front door open. I glance up and see Emory walking in also still in her pajamas. She smiles at me. “Hey same idea. Give me some of that. I need food after how much we drank last night.”
I hand her the box of cereal, and she grabs a bowl out of the cupboard. “Where’s Alaric?” I ask.
She rolls her eyes. “He scheduled a meeting with a new contractor for the new site up north. Seriously, who would schedule a meeting for a Saturday morning?”
I laugh. “At least he’s not making you come with him.”
She shrugs like she wouldn’t mind spending the time with him. I give her a knowing smile, and she looks down to hide her grin. “So where’s my dad?” She glances around the kitchen for a sign that he was here with me.
I just shrug. “I don’t know.”
She raises an eyebrow at me. “You’re telling me he ditched you in bed this morning without saying goodbye?” She pauses. “That doesn’t sound like him.”
I raise both my eyebrows at her. “Nope!” I emphasize the P. “He left me in bed last night.”
She gives me a funny look. “I don’t understand. He left last night? Where would he go so late?”
I shake my head. “No, he just left the room and went and slept in the guest room.”
She gives me a funny look like she still doesn’t understand. I just sigh. “Nothing happened last night.”
She laughs. “What do you mean? I saw you guys. Remember, I was here?”
I just laugh. “Yeah, you saw the whole extent of what happened. After you left, he decided he didn’t want to do it anymore.”
She gasps and opens her mouth at me. “No! Why?” She looks down at my clothes. “But you’re wearing…” She motions her hand to my outfit.
I shrug again. “What? I needed pajamas. My bag is still at your place.”
She looks down suddenly feeling uncomfortable. “This is awkward.” Then she smiles back up at me. “Can I still tell you he’s an absolute tool even if he’s my dad?”
I laugh too. “Ugh! I wish he was more of a tool. He was all ‘I can’t just sleep with you. You’re too young. I respect you too much to just use your body shamelessly.’ I mean c’mon.”
Emory laughs harder. “My dad did not say that!”
I look back at her. “Basically! Like he thinks I only sleep with guys I’m in a committed relationship with or something. Like I was asking him to be my boyfriend. He said we should stop before things get too far. Whatever that means.”
She cringes. “Yeah. I guess that does sound like my dad.”
I sigh and look up at the ceiling. “It’s driving me nuts because that’s what attracts me to him in the first place, but then I can’t get anywhere with him because of it. What’s a girl supposed to do?”
Emory just laughs. “I guess you’ll just have to give up your sleeping-around-days and settle down with him then.”
I just roll my eyes at her. “Yeah, okay. The man won’t even sleep with me because I’m too young. I highly doubt he’d be interested in starting a real relationship.” No matter how much I wish he was.
Emory gives me a pity look, and I just narrow my eyes at her. She laughs then. “Sorry! I don’t feel bad for you. I promise!” Then she grins even bigger. “In fact, this feels a lot like an ‘I told you so’ moment.”