I step closer and stand on my tiptoes so that my mouth is right next to his ear. “I’ll make you feel like you’re in your 20s again Mr. Livingston.” I whisper as I run my fingers all the way down his chest dangerously close to his hard cock.
I can tell by the way his body shudders that he liked that. I mindlessly run my finger back up and down his chest. He doesn’t move for a moment, but then he breathes out harshly. “I just can’t.”
I know his rejection shouldn’t bother me. It’s not like I don’t have plenty of other guys lining up at the door. Plus, I know that he finds me attractive. It’s not that. He’s just being a stubborn ass about the age thing. The rejection still stings a little though. Maybe because he’s right, and I am still pretty drunk from me and Emory’s night out. I’m always more emotional after I’ve had a couple of drinks. I doubt it though. I wanted him to want me.
I just roll my eyes at him to make it seem like I don’t care. “Whatever.” Then I head over toward his bedroom and walk in. “I’m still sleeping here though!” I call out to him.
I actually am getting to that sleepy stage of being drunk. I walk further into his room and take a look around. It’s very simple. You can tell he hasn’t had a girlfriend or wife or anything for quite a while. It is all pretty basic with no extra frills. I wouldn’t expect anything else from him.
The only things in the room that stand out are the handcrafted nightstands that I know he made himself in his workshop because Emory has the same ones in her room. I love that he is so good at building things with his own hands. God, why does he have to be so sexy?
I hear him following behind me into the room. I walk over to his dresser and pull open a drawer. He just laughs. “Can I help you find something Angie?”
Ugh. Why does he have to say my name like that? Whatever. If I have to suffer, so does he. I glance over my shoulder and smirk at him as I pull one of his T-shirts from his drawer. “Nope, all set.”
He is still staring at me, so I reach behind myself and pull the zipper down on my dress. I pull the straps down and let it fall down so that it is pooled at my feet. I am standing in front of him in nothing but my purple lacy bra and panties.
He turns and looks away, but then I see his eyes slowly glance over to take a peek. I can’t help the satisfied smirk that forms on my face. I reach behind myself again and unclasp my bra. He does look away fully this time before I let it fall to the ground.
I quickly throw his T-shirt on over my head. The shirt falls down to my mid thigh since he is so much taller than me. This isn’t the first time I’ve worn a guy’s T-shirt, but for some reason it just feels more comfy and perfect than ever before. Maybe it’s because it smells like him. I can tell what kind of laundry detergent he uses, and it feels like I am wrapped up in his arms while I’m wearing it.
He turns back toward me, and his eyes can’t help themselves as they roam down my body again. Somehow me in his T-shirt is causing his eyes to burn with desire even more than when I was only in my underwear. I smile back at him and bite on my lip.
He just looks away again and clears his throat. “Do you need anything else?”
I walk over to his bed and lay down on it with my top half propped up with my elbows. “I could think of a couple things.” I smile at him and seductively run my foot up and down my other leg.
He just stares at me for a moment. Then he finally opens his mouth. “I’ll get you more water.”
He walks out of the room as quickly as he can. I sigh and lie back fully on the bed. I don’t understand this man at all. He obviously wants me. Why can’t he just give in? He’s too much of a gentleman for his own good.
Before he gets back, I crawl underneath the covers and close my eyes. I hear when he walks back into the room. He comes around to my side of the bed and sets a glass of water down on the nightstand. I never open my eyes to look at him. Then I feel his lips on my forehead. “Goodnight Angie.” He whispers. Then he walks back out of the room.
I roll over and look at the empty spot next to me. The man won’t even sleep in the same bed as me. I sigh again. After tonight, I seriously need to stop flirting with the man. He’s right. He’s no good for me. Plus, I could’ve tried to pick up a hot guy at the bar to get laid with tonight instead of laying here all alone because I’m pining after a guy who doesn’t even want to be with me.
I lay back down on my back and groan at the ceiling because I know deep down I would’ve chosen to come here tonight even if I knew the outcome just to be able to spend time with him. I don’t understand why I can’t just move past him. I just love spending time with him. He makes me feel like I can just be myself without all the pressure everyone else usually brings. I just wish he felt the same way about me.
My eyes start to get heavy, so I close them and cuddle up with his blankets that also smell like him. I drift off to sleep dreaming of all the things that should have happened tonight. God. If only that man wasn’t so stubborn. I guess I should’ve known better after being best friends with his stubborn daughter for so many years.