I was joking, but my dad just says, “Yes.”
I roll my eyes even though he can’t see. “I appreciate you looking out for me dad, but trust me, Alaric is the last person who should be checking in on me. I actually need someone to check in on me after I talk to him.”
Me and my dad both laugh. “Oh c’mon honey. He isn’t that bad.”
I let out a fake laugh. “Yeah not to you because he’s your friend. The guy is a certified ass.”
My dad just laughs again. “Just means he likes you.”
I roll my eyes again. “Dad this isn’t first grade. Alaric is a grown ass man. If he’s being mean, it’s just because he wants to be mean.”
My dad just makes a noncommittal noise and doesn’t agree or disagree. “He’s a little rough around the edges, but that’s just his personality. Don’t take it personally. He grew up with a pretty tough crowd.”
I let out a sigh. “Fine. But dad for real, no more telling him to check in on me.”
My dad lets out a laugh. “Sorry sweetie, but I already told him to. He won’t stop now even I told him to. He’s too loyal of a friend.”
I let out another sigh. “Okay fine, but don’t tell him to do anything else then. I already see the man enough as it is. Hey, I’m staying over at Angela’s house tonight. We are planning Erika’s bachelorette party, so don’t expect me home. We have plans tomorrow too, so don’t expect me home for dinner.”
My dad tells me to have fun, and then we hang up. Just as I am turning off my computer for the night, I get a text from Angela.
Angela: Hey you know that sore throat I’ve been having? Apparently I have strep. Can we postpone?
I let out a breath of relief. Honestly, after the week I’ve had, I am not exactly in the party planning mood. I am glad we are rescheduling for another time otherwise Erika’s bachelorette would have sucked. I really just want to go home and shower and cuddle up with a good book. Or maybe I’ll do a bubble bath. Mmm…yeah that sounds nice, and I can order a pizza too.
I stayed late finishing up payroll and stopped to pick up some wine on my way home. It is starting to get dark out as I pull up to my house and see there is a light on inside. That’s weird. I must’ve left it on this morning when I left, or maybe my dad stopped over. He is always working on some kind of project on either his or my house.
I decide against stopping over at my dad’s place. He thinks I am going to be gone all weekend, and I could use some time alone to myself.
I unlock my front door and walk in. I see the light I saw from outside is coming from my bathroom. I must’ve accidentally left the light on when I left this morning. I set my keys in the bowl on my table and head toward the bathroom. Might as well get that bubble bath started now.
I reach under my shirt and unhook my bra as I walk down the hall toward the bathroom. I am just pulling it off when suddenly there is a man walking out of my bathroom in nothing but a towel. I scream at the top of my lungs and instinctively throw whatever is in my hands at the intruder. Just so happens the thing in my hands was my bra that I just took off, and instead of injuring the intruder, it just stuns him.
It takes my brain a couple of seconds to figure out what is going on, but then suddenly it all comes together. Alaric is standing in my hall naked except for the towel wrapped around his waist. His hair is wet, and there is water dripping down his body. The last thing for my brain to register is him looking down at the bra in his hands as he tries to figure out what is going on himself.
After he looks at the bra, he looks back up at me with the biggest grin. “Really? You thought some killer was in your house and you thought your bra was the best weapon? What’d you think you were going to do? Knock him out with sex appeal?”
I quickly reach out and snatch the bra out of his hands. I am still trying to catch my breath and steady my heart rate. “It was the only thing in my hands. Jesus you scared me. What on earth are you doing in my house?” I look down his body again. “And why are you naked?”
He just grins back at me. “I could ask the same thing. Your dad said you weren’t coming home tonight. Did you lie to him?”
I let out a disgusted noise. “My friend caught strep. My plans changed. Besides that doesn’t answer my question. Just because I wasn’t going to be home doesn’t give you a right to be in here. Jesus, did you use my shower? How did you even get in here?”
Alaric just continues to smile like this is the funniest thing ever. “Your dad let me in. He’s working on his kitchen sink, so he turned off the water in the whole house. Said I could shower here.”
I can’t believe my dad let him in my house. I mean, I get he’s his best friend and he trusts him and all, but really? My shower? I don’t even have a guest shower. He used the one I use every day.
It’s like Alaric can read my thoughts, and so he adds on just be an ass. “I borrowed some of your shampoo too. I thought I was starting to get split ends.” He mocks.
I let out another scream. “Get out of my house!”
I get behind him and push him toward the door. When we get there, I continue to push him out in just the towel. It’s not like he has far to walk. I am about to shut the door in his face when he grins back at me. “You going to bring over my clothes later? I may or may not have left my underwear sitting on your bathroom counter.”
My mouth drops open. “Are you being serious? You didn’t at least leave them on the floor! You are going to have to come back over and clean that bathroom top to bottom.”
I grab his hand and pull him back in and over to the bathroom. When we get to the door, I turn to him. “Grab your clothes and go.”