Chapter 16
Icalled Angela as Alaric started driving back home. She answers giggling, and I hear my dad laughing in the background. “Hey Emory!’
“Hey just wanted to make sure you got back safe.”
She laughs. “Oh yeah. Your dad is taking veeeery good care of me.”
I hear my dad laugh in the background. “She means I am giving her lots of water to sober up!” He yells so I can hear him. Angela giggles again. “Mhm...that’s what I meant.”
I roll my eyes and turn to look at Alaric. “Step on it. We need to get back before Angie jumps my dad.”
Alaric laughs and turns down onto our road. Luckily, we are super close to downtown, so it doesn’t take long to get home. We pull into the driveway and get out. I want to ask him to sleep over but I don’t really know how to say it.
We both linger by the truck for a minute. Then Alaric breaks the silence first. “I...I uh need to talk to your know?”
I smirk back at him. “Are you going to do a better job at explaining that to him?”
He just blows out a breath. “Probably not.”
I laugh and grab his hands and weave his fingers with mine. “C’mon. I’ll go with you.” He looks down at our connected hands and then back to me and smiles. “Okay.”
We walk into the house and see my dad and Angela sitting on the couch eating popcorn. Well actually, Angela is trying to throw popcorn into my dad’s mouth but has horrible aim and none goes in.
My dad smiles over at us. “Hey guys.”
Angela looks back over at us. “Boo! What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be over at Emory’s tearing eachother’s clothes off.”
Alaric wraps his arm around my back. “We took care of it in the parking garage.”
My eyes widen as I turn over to him. I look back over to my dad, and he just has a big smile on his face. I look back over to Alaric confused. He just shrugs. “Maybe we already talked before we left tonight.” He leans down close to me. “He may or may not have revealed some information about your little conversation you had on Monday.”
My eyes widen over at my dad. “Dad! How could you!”
He just laughs. “It worked out didn’t it? Dad always knows best. Besides that’s the price you pay when you try to get involved with my best friend.”
I look back over at Alaric. “What exactly did he tell you?”
He smirks at me. “Something along the lines of how you are totally obsessed with me, and I better make a move on you asap.”
I smirk back at him. “I hate you.”
He just smiles back. “I hate you too.”
Angela hops off the couch. “I need some real food. What do we have here?”
I agree. “Yeah I definitely need something to soak up this alcohol.”
We head into the kitchen together and leave the boys in the living room. She leans in close to me. “So what exactly is the plan here? Are you taking Alaric back to your place?” She smiles at me. “I’m sure I can find a spare bed here to sleep in since I can’t share yours.”
I laugh. “I’m sure you could too. But could you find a spare bed that doesn’t already have a certain person in it?”
She just laughs. “Oh please. Your dad is like the perfect gentleman. I seriously tried breaking out all my sexy moves, and he just turned down every one of them.”
I look at her surprised. “Really? Nothing at all?”
She shakes her head. “The man wouldn’t even allow our hands to touch in the popcorn bowl. He kept saying how I am drunk and not acting like myself.”
I laugh harder. “Oh my gosh. My dad is a little chicken shit.” I smile at Angela and mumble. “Let’s see how he likes his own medicine.” I holler over to Alaric. “Hey Alaric come here a second.”