My dad gets up from the stool and taps the table. “You need to talk to him. I can’t have him being all grumpy around the house pissed off at me like I told him he couldn’t date you or something.”
I laugh. “Uhm...pretty sure the fist to face implied that.”
He just laughs. “That was for sneaking around behind my back and sleeping with my daughter. I never forbade him from dating you.”
I give my dad a small smile. “Dad, Alaric isn’t interested in dating.”
My dad raises his eyebrows at me. “Did he tell you that?”
I just shrug. “He never asked me out now did he?”
My dad turns back. “Well shit. Let me go tell him to do that right now.” He starts walking toward the door.
“No!” I reach out and grab my dad’s arm. “You can’t tell him anything we talked about. This stays between us.”
My dad glances back at me. “Why not?”
I just huff out a breath. “Because! Just because Alaric is your friend doesn’t mean you can interfere in my love life.”
My dad smiles big at me. “Ah ha! So you admit you love him!”
I just roll my eyes. “I admit to nothing.” I push at his back. “Now stop hanging around here just so you can avoid him. He’s your friend. Stop trying to pawn him off on me.”
My dad laughs and then turns toward me. “Promise me you’ll at least talk to him.”
I give him a half smile. “I’ll think about it.”