I just place my hand on my hip. “Yes.”

His grin grows even more. “Then I’ll be there.” Then he walks out the door.

I lean back in my chair and smile. Maybe my dad was right and we’ll be able to get along after all.


Wrong! My dad was definitely wrong. No one could get along with this man. He is impossible!

After he barged back in my office multiple times with problems that he blamed me for even though I have been gone the last three weeks, he actually had the audacity to say my dad only kept me around because the guys like talking to me. Like I don’t actually contribute to the job and am just a pretty face hanging around.

Even though I still had plenty to get caught up on, as soon as five o’clock rolled around, I hightailed it out of there. I will catch up on a day when Alaric isn’t lurking around.

After I head to my own place and shower, I head over to my dad’s to cook dinner. His kitchen is way better than mine, so I usually just keep my groceries over here anyway. I purposely only cook two steaks for dinner so there is nothing for Alaric. I make sure to make my secret recipe mashed potatoes too. The whole house smells amazing, and when my dad walks in and sees there is only enough for two, he gives me a funny look. “You only made two?”

I roll my eyes. “I have to work for that man all day. I am not coming home and taking care of him here as well.”

My dad gives a little chuckle and comes and kisses my forward. “You worked for me too, but you still always come home and cook me dinner like the most amazing daughter out there.”

I just laugh back. “Well, I actually like you, so it doesn’t count.”

Just then Alaric walks in the kitchen and sees the two steaks served on plates. My dad clears his throat. “I’m just going to take a quick shower. I’ll be back down in a second.”

He walks out of the kitchen, and Alaric just smirks at me. “That the best you got? Not making me dinner?”

I walk around the kitchen island and grab some spices to put some final seasoning in my potatoes. “I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m just here having dinner with my dad like I do every night. You are of no concern to me.”

He walks up closer to me and grabs a knife and cutting board from the drawer next to me. “Good. I don’t need your concern. I can take care of myself.”

I roll my eyes and bring both the plates into the dining room. My dad comes back down a couple minutes later, and we are eating together. I keep sneaking glances over to Alaric in the kitchen. Whatever he is cooking over there smells amazing. Of course he is able to cook too.

Why couldn’t I have that one skill to one up him? Just another reason for me to hate him more.

We are almost done when Alaric brings his plate over and sits down at the table with us. It is quiet for a minute with only the sounds of forks and knives clinging against our plates. Finally, my dad speaks up. “Alaric, next time you are coming home, let us know and we can plan food for everyone.” My dad gives me a pointed look.

I glare back at him. Then look over to Alaric and smile. “Oh dad. I don’t think that is a good idea. Alaric here seems to think I don’t actually have any skills and am just a pretty face to show off around the workplace.”

My dad chokes on his beer that he was sipping on. He looks over at me. “Emory!”

Alaric pays him no attention. “I never said you didn’t have any skills at home, just no useful skills at work. Maybe you should find yourself a rich doctor and you can just stay home and cook all day.”

I gasp and glare back at him. “You did not just say that.”

My dad pipes up again. “Alaric! That’s quite enough.” He looks between the two of us. “What is wrong with you two?”

I want to yell back at Alaric some more, but I don’t want to be disrespectful to my dad, especially over someone like Alaric. He isn’t worth the breath. I take a small breath and turn to my dad. “Sorry daddy. I’m going to go home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I get up and place my plate in the sink. My dad can clean up since I cooked. That’s usually how we do it anyway. I just usually stick around after, so I help him do the dishes too. Well, he has Alaric to help him now anyway. I get out of there as fast as possible and head home.

After I get ready for bed, I see my dad texted me.

Dad: I’ll talk to Alaric. He was out of line earlier. Try to give him a break though. He’s going through a rough time right now.

I blow out a breath as I read the text. When is that man not going through a rough time? I swear trouble follows him wherever he goes. I type a quick text back to my dad.

Me: I’ll try my best.