He turns his head over his shoulder and shrugs. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll meet up with my date. Does that count as a second date?” He grins and then continues walking toward the back door. I call after him as he’s leaving. “Fuck you!”
The door shuts, and then I am left standing here alone. I know it shouldn’t bother me at all, but the thought of him going to meet up with miss social media gets under my skin. I try to shake it off. I don’t care what he does. It’s not like anything is ever going to happen again.
I check my phone again for the hundredth time. It’s getting late and Alaric still isn’t back. When the first movie ended, I insisted we watch another one. My dad keeps dozing off though. It bothered me that Alaric didn’t make it back by the time the first movie was done. Now I am halfway through this one, and my dad is fast asleep.
I should be tired too, but I can’t seem to make myself leave. I check my phone again. It’s after 1 a.m.. I guess he could be at a bar still. They usually don’t close until three. He’s probably there picking up girls. I wonder if that’s where he met his date from today.
I don’t actually think Alaric would go meet up with her. She was dumber than a bag of rocks, but maybe that’s what he likes. Someone dumb to fuck and then leave. She was pretty. Would he really try to get laid again tonight? After he was just with me?
I need to stop thinking about him. He’s driving me crazy and he’s not even here. I take one last glance at my phone and then decide to leave. I can’t wait up for him all night. Why would I?
I lean over and shake my dad’s shoulder. “Hey dad. I’m going home.”
He stirs awake. “Did I fall asleep again?”
I laugh. “Only for the whole movie.”
He glances at the TV. “It’s not over yet!”
I laugh again. “Well, how about we watch it again when you are more awake. I’m tired now too.”
He just smiles. “Let me walk you home. I just have to use the bathroom first.”
He gets up and walks into the bathroom. Just then I hear the garage door open. I want to rush out of the house before Alaric comes inside, but my dad would be mad I didn’t wait for him. I wouldn’t have had time anyway because a few seconds later Alaric is opening the door and walking in.
The moment he sees me sitting on the couch, he smirks like he knows why I’m still here. I quickly look back toward the TV and don’t acknowledge that he’s even here. He walks over to the couch and leans down. “Oh honey, you didn’t have to wait up for me.” He whispers sarcastically into my ear.
I roll my eyes. “I didn’t. My dad just didn’t want me to walk back alone.”
Just then my dad opens the bathroom door. “Oh Alaric you’re home. Mind taking Emory back home? I almost fell asleep using the bathroom.”
Alaric just laughs. “Sure.” He says in a friendly tone.
My eyes shoot back over to him. “What?”
My dad doesn’t bother waiting and heads over to his bedroom. I narrow my eyes at him. He just shrugs. “What?” He says right back to me.
I raise my eyebrow at him. “Why do you sound all friendly? It’s freaking me out.”
He smiles even bigger and then leans in closer. “I don’t know. Maybe I just got laid today.”
The way he says it doesn’t clarify if he’s talking about us or if he went out and met someone after he left. I just narrow my eyes at him, and then walk toward the door. He just follows behind all chipper still.
We get to my front door, and I quickly grab my key out of my pocket so I can get away from him. I open the door and am about to walk in when Alaric reaches his hand out and grabs my elbow. I turn to look at him. He leans in closer and grins. “What? No kiss goodnight?”
I pull my arm away from him. “Don’t touch me.”
He just laughs. Then his eyes become hooded as he looks down at me. He leans in closer still, and I swallow hard trying to maintain my composure. His voice comes out so deep and seductive. “Don’t lie to yourself. We both know pretty soon you’re going to beg me to touch you again.”
I scream out. “Ugh!” Then I walk inside and slam the door in his face. I don’t know if I’m mad at his cockiness or because I know he is right. How am I supposed to work with the man now that I know what it feels like to have him inside me? I blow out a breath and head to bed. Just have to take this one day at a time.