“Sounds good, have fun.”
He pauses a moment. “Honey, I wanted to ask Alaric if he could take you girls out tonight. Just keep an eye on things. I know how these parties can get.”
I go to answer. “Sure dad whatever you nee-...Wait what? No. Absolutely not.”
My dad just laughs, and Alaric glances over to me. “Yeah, I’m with her. No thanks.”
My dad frowns. “Alaric, are you telling me you won’t go watch over my only daughter for me while I am out of town to make sure nothing bad happens as they get completely trashed?”
Alaric groans and wipes his hand down his face. “Not fair. You know I can’t say no to that.”
I pipe up then. “Dad. I’m not a little girl. I’m sure Alaric has his own plans this weekend he wants to get to. I don’t need a babysitter.’
My dad just ignores me. “Nonsense. Besides, Alaric already told me he wasn’t doing anything tonight besides having a few beers. I made sure to ask him before I told him what I wanted.”
Wow. My dad is sneakier than I thought. He continues. “So Alaric, you can just have those beers at the bar with the girls.”
I continue to protest. “Dad, I’ll just call you when I get home, or I can just stop by your place and tell Alaric everything is good.”
My dad again just ignores me. “We already have it figured it honey. You need a ride anyway right?”
Alaric looks over to me and just shakes his head. He already knows we both lost this battle. I just throw my hands up. “Fine. Whatever. We’re leaving at 9:30. I’ll tell the girls to come to my place to pregame then.” I turn and walk away.
Once I am done getting ready, I head out to my kitchen to start getting the stuff for drinks ready. I open my fridge and curse. I forgot all the alcohol is over at my dad’s since I unloaded the groceries there. I don’t want to walk over in my heels, so I just throw on some flip flops and head over.
I am reaching in the fridge when I hear Alaric walking into the kitchen. I glance up and he is throwing a t-shirt on over his head. It looks like he just got out of the shower. “I thought you said 9:30.”
I nod. “Yeah, I just forgot to grab the booze.” I am trying to grab the alcohol and mixers but realize I can’t carry it all. I hold out the drinks to Alaric. “Here help me carry these over.”
He just raises a brow at me. “Why don’t you just have them come here? It’s not like you are staying long.”
I raise my eyebrows at him. “Yeah, well I’d rather not have my friends meet you, especially Erika while she is heartbroken. Don’t need her also dealing with your ass.”
Alaric just grins. “Stop being a brat. Maybe I want to meet your friends.”
I shake my head. “Oh hell no! Don’t you dare try to hit on any of my friends I swear to God Alaric!”
He just smirks. “Hey, if I have to deal with you my whole Friday night, the least you could do is help me get laid.”
I clench my hands at my side and seeth out. “I will murder you.”
He just laughs and then glances down at my outfit. “That’s what you’re wearing?”
I look down at my dress and everything looks fine. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
He just shrugs. “Nothing. I just didn’t want to have to beat up that many guys tonight.”
I smile back at him. “Oh don’t worry. I also have my stripper heels to complete the outfit.”
Alaric just rolls his eyes and grabs some plastic cups out of the cupboard. “Go get them. I’m not carrying all these drinks over to your place.” I finally give in and go grab my shoes and purse.
The girls arrive a short time later, and I am pouring drinks for them. Erika is already calling for shots, and I let her because this night is about her.
Angela pulls me aside. “So where is this famous Alaric?”
I try to play it cool. “I don’t know. Probably in his room. My dad just asked him to come. Not to hang out with us.”