I smile at him and grab the papers. “Since when do you deal with the plumbers?”
He just grins back. “I may have forced Kenny to give the paperwork to me so I had an excuse to come see you.”
I smile back at him. I don’t know why I was avoiding him. Now that he’s right in front of me, I remember why I was so into him in the first place. He sits down where Alaric just was a few minutes ago. “So for Friday is this like potluck style or should I bring something?”
I laugh. “Oh no, my dad takes his barbeque very seriously. He doesn’t want anyone else cooking. Just bring some booze, and we’ll be all set.”
Tyler nods and smiles, then squirms a little bit. “So what was that with Alaric? You guys like friends now or something?”
I laugh loudly. “God no. He is just always bugging me because my dad told him to keep an eye on me.” I roll my eyes.
Tyler mumbles. “Yeah, he sure has his eyes on you alright.”
I look at him funny. “What was that?”
He just smiles back at me. “Nothing. I actually have to get back out there. I just wanted to come see you today. I’ll catch you later?”
I smile back at him. “I look forward to it.”
Then he walks out the door, and I am left alone again.
I don’t see Tyler or Alaric for the next few days. My dad needed help with a special project. He is quoting out a new job site, so I was on site with him working out all the details with the different contractors. Thursday I had to get caught up on everything I missed while I was helping my dad out, so when Friday finally rolled around, I couldn’t believe it was already the weekend again. Usually work weeks never fly by that fast.
At 2 p.m. Alaric comes into my office. “Hey I told your dad I’d help him get ready for tonight, so I told the guys they could head out early today. Same goes for you.”
I just stare back at him with wide eyes. He looks back at me and gives a half smile. “What?”
“I just can’t believe you let them go....hardass Alaric is actually being nice today.”
He just laughs. “Oh shut up. Besides I only sent them home because I don’t trust anyone here working without me.”
I smile back at him. “Ahh there he is. Good to know this act of kindness wasn’t actually out of the goodness of your heart.”
He laughs back. “Yeah right. Keep dreaming.”
He turns and is walking back out when I stop him. “Hey Alaric.”
He turns back around to look at me. I just smile at him. “I’ll see you tonight.”
He just smiles back. “Sure. Yeah. Whatever.” He shrugs then walks out.
About a half hour after Alaric came to my office, I headed out for the weekend. Since this is kind of like me and Tyler’s first date, I want to have time to wash my hair and get ready. When I am done in the shower, I curl my hair and then brush it out into soft waves. I do light makeup with a smoky eye and then throw on a cute summer dress. Not too fancy, but pretty enough to qualify as date material.
Once I am all ready, I head over to my dad’s place to see if he needs help with anything. I told Tyler to get here at 7, which is technically an hour after the barbeque officially starts, but I like to help my dad welcome guests and get things set up since he doesn’t have a wife or girlfriend to help him with those types of things.
I walk in the house and see my dad out on the back patio firing up the grill through the slider door. I turn toward the kitchen and see Alaric chopping some fruit for a fruit salad bowl. I walk into the kitchen. “Can I help with anything?”
He just looks at me. “Pretty sure you have a strict policy against preparing food for me.”
I roll my eyes at him and grab the watermelon and start chopping. “Well good thing this isn’t for you then.”
He grabs a piece I just sliced and pops it in his mouth. “Mmm...it’s so much sweeter when I know you cut it up just for me.”
I swat at his chest. “Hey, leave some for the guests will ya?”