Page 63 of Room 452

I reach out and yank his arm, stopping him from going further. I narrow my eyes and lower my voice. “You fucking touch another woman and you’re a dead man.”

His body shivers dramatically, and he looks up at the ceiling then back at me. “Ahh, fuck I’m hard.”

I narrow my eyes. “Behave.”

He smirks and leans closer. “How do you expect me to behave when you’re acting all possessive?”

“Because you’re an adult and you know how to show some restraint.” I respond.

His smile grows. “I haven’t seen you show a single ounce of restraint.”

Instead of fighting him, I decide to rile him up more. “Oh that was me showing restraint. I just wanted your cock soooo bad.”

Sawyer’s eyes blaze, and he grabs the stack of envelopes from my hands and takes half. “Screw daddy! We’re getting out of here as soon as fucking possible.”

He takes off in search of the team members that he has envelopes for, and I can’t help the stupid grin on my face as I watch him go. Too bad he doesn’t realize we’ll still have to wait for everyone else to hand theirs out before the main speeches happen. I didn’t want to break the news to him though when he looked so happy.

Once they are all passed out, we sit down at one of the tables with some of the guys on our team and have a snack while my dad gives some opening words, followed by some other notable awards. One of which is for our team for securing the McCormick account. My dad made sure to make it seem as if it was a whole team effort instead of just Sawyer who nailed it.

He ends the award speech with a surprise extra bonus this year since we had record sales this last quarter. Everyone bursts into cheers and applause, and then a bunch of waiters make their way through the crowd with champagne glasses to toast.

After which the guys insist we do celebratory shots, followed by more drinks. My whole body is buzzing, and Sawyer grabs my hand. “Dance with me.”

He drags me over to the dance floor, and my body hangs loosely against him. I don’t know if I am actually standing or if he is fully supporting me. “Can we get out of here yet?” He grumbles.

It has to be nearing one in the morning. That’s late enough that it won’t be suspicious if I leave. I smile up at him and ruffle my fingers in his hair. “Sure.”

He laughs, looking down at me. “You’re cute when you aren’t hating my guts.”

I smile back at him. “It’s the booze talking. I still hate your guts.”

He grins and pulls out his phone and orders a car. “Car will be here in fifteen.”

A slow song comes on, and he pulls me closer as I rest my head against his chest. I close my eyes for a moment and imagine what it would be like to actually be with this man. I must be quiet for too long because Sawyer speaks up. “What are you thinking about?”

I lean back a little so I can look up at his face. “Why are you doing this with me?”

He looks at me more seriously. He pauses before he responds. “Will my answer change anything?”

I think about what he said. Would it? If he said something dickish would I still go home with him? And worse, if he said something deeper or more meaningful would I want to know that? I shake my head. “No.” I respond. I don’t want to ruin tonight. “Let’s go.”

We walk off the dance floor, and I tell Sawyer I’m going to go tell my dad I’m leaving. He tells me to meet him out front. I walk over to my dad, and tell him I’m taking off. He looks at me funny. “What’s up with you and Sawyer tonight?” He asks.

“Hm?” I ask, trying to not seem suspicious.

He doesn’t let it slide. “I’ve been told you guys have been getting cozy on the dance floor.”

Shit. I guess people weren’t as drunk as I thought. I try to shrug it off. “Just trying to keep the peace within the team.”

My dad gives me a concerned look. “Just be careful with him, Blake. You can’t trust guys like that.”

I give him a half smile. “I wouldn’t ever put myself in that position.”

My dad’s frown deepens because I know he’s upset about my position on the matter in general and not related to Sawyer. “You got a ride home?” He asks.

I nod. “Yes. I have a car coming. I’ll see you on Monday.”

I head out to the front. I see Sawyer standing alone, leaning against the building, waiting for the car. I take a moment to look at him while he’s unaware. While he stands lost in thought, he doesn’t have his guard up. He isn’t trying to be charming or to make a sale. He isn’t putting on a front for others to see.