Page 52 of Room 452

I know this is probably the dumbest decision of my life, but I pull out my phone and press dial on Sawyer’s contact. It rings a couple times, and I close my eyes and pray he doesn’t pick up.

“Hello?” He answers, sounding confused about my call.

“Hi.” I whisper because it’s all I can manage to get out.

“Hi.” He says back, sounding fucking cocky as ever.

“Are you doing anything right now?” I finally blurt out.

I can hear his smirk on the other end of the line even though there is no sound. “What’d you have in mind?” He asks.

“Are you home?” I ask nervously.

“Yeah, I-.”

I cut him off. “Text me your address.” I say and then hang up the phone before he has the chance to respond.

What the fuck am I doing? My phone dings a moment later with his address, and I start up my car and plug the address in my phone.

Twenty minutes later I’m pulling up to a cute house that sits on a good chunk of land surrounded by trees and farmer’s fields. For some reason, I thought Sawyer would be right downtown in some high rise apartment. This isn’t what I imagined at all.

I double check the address again, and this is where he told me to go. I’m about to call him to see if this is the right place when I see him walk from around the back of the house, calling after the cutest little dog I’ve ever seen. What in the world?

I open my car door as they approach, and I lean down and pet the dog. I can’t really tell what breed it is, but it must be some sort of mix. It gives a little yap, and Sawyer tries to calm it. “Down princess.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “You’re talking to the dog?” I point down at the little yapper.

Sawyer rolls his eyes. “Yes, the dog.” He mocks.

“You call her princess?” I ask, hiding a giggle.

“It’s her name.” He says back with a completely serious face.

I open my mouth to ask more questions, but he swoops down and picks her up and starts heading toward the house. “Long story. Let’s just say Chip got in over his head with some girl, and I somehow ended up with the dog.”

I laugh as I follow him in. I feel lighter already. I don’t know how he does that to me. Maybe because nothing is serious with him, and I know nothing serious will ever be with him. It feels easy. That is, it did feel easy until I stepped inside and realized I have no idea what I’m doing here.

Sawyer seems to have the same thought. He leans back against his kitchen counter and stares at me. I give a nervous laugh. “Uhm...nice place.”

He doesn’t respond and continues to stare at me, so I continue to ramble. “This isn’t what I expected. Although, I guess it makes sense you being out here all alone since I’m sure nobody wants to be around you.”

He doesn’t laugh or smirk or flirt back like he usually does. He continues to stare. I swallow hard and ring my hands around my wrists.

“What are you doing here Blake?” He finally says.

I look down at the floor. “I couldn’t go home.”

“And?” He asks, sounding annoyed.

I glance up. “And you said I could come over.”

His jaw ticks to the side. “But why are you here?”

I swallow hard. “I went to see my mom today.”

“What does that have to do with me?” He says with no sympathy.

I stare back at him angrily. “Because I wanted to talk to someone!” I yell back.