Page 28 of Room 452

He turns on his heel and starts texting on his phone. I jump up from the desk and chase after him. “Sawyer!” I shout as I run in front of him.

I try to reach for his phone, but he continues to text above my head. Damn you short arms. I try to jump up, but I don’t even come close. “Sawyer! For Christ’s sake. Can you not let me have this one win? I already have to suffer through you being there all weekend.”

He laughs. “You don’t need a win. You already think so highly of yourself.”

I step back and open my mouth at him. “I do not!”

He just raises a questioning eyebrow, so I continue. “I don’t think highly of myself. I just think lowly of you.”

He smirks as he brings his phone back down. “Whatever you say B.”

We both glance down to his phone when it starts dinging with responses. He must’ve hit send on a group text. I make a soft screaming noise in the back of my throat. “Bastard.”

Then I stomp away from him back toward my desk. He follows behind. “So are you going to actually give me the details of what’s going on this weekend?”

I let out a sarcastic laugh without turning around. “Ha! No, I think I’ll leave giving the details to the guys up to you since you were so determined to let them know what’s going on.”

I hear the smirk in his voice. “C’mon Blake. Can’t we all just get along?”

I take a big breath, trying to remember what my dad told me about dealing with people you don’t like for the sake of business. I turn around and face him. “Sure. I will send out an itinerary today. Now, if you could leave, I’d like to see as little of you as possible if I have to spend the whole weekend with you.”

He bops me on the nose like I’m a little girl. “See, we make a great team.” Then he turns and walks away, l

eaving me to deal with sending all the flight details over to the guys. Asshole.

Chapter 7

I took an earlier flight than the rest of the team just to make sure the cabin was all in order when we got there, so imagine my surprise when I walked into the cabin and found Sawyer standing in the kitchen already pouring himself a drink.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I grumble as I set my bags down in the entryway.

He smirks as he takes a sip of his drink. “I saw you scheduled an earlier flight, so I figured I should join you. You know, since we’re co-captains of this team and all.”

I roll my eyes. “This wasn’t some stunt to one up you. I just wanted to make sure the cabin was all set before everyone got here.” I smirk back at him. “So since you’re here, I’ll let you check everything out.”

He sets his glass down and leans forward on his hands on the counter. “Sure. How about I start with the hot tub? I just need a test subject, preferably in a tiny bikini.”

I roll my eyes and walk past him. “I’m going to my room.”

I shut the door on my bedroom so I can have a moment to myself. The rest of the team should be here in about five hours, so I just have to avoid Sawyer for a little while longer. The room is beautiful. I always forget how nice this place is.

The log cabin walls make it feel so cozy with the big bed with a bunch of floofy pillows. The large window gives you a view of the forest with snowflakes falling all around. There’s so much snow right now that you can’t even see the ground anywhere, but the cabin is nice and toasty. I even have my own fireplace in this room. About half of the rooms have them. If there were ever the perfect place to cozy up with a good book, this would be it.

I decide to take a shower to freshen up after the long flight. By the time I’m done getting ready again, it’s been an hour since I’ve arrived. Well, now I only have to kill four more before people start arriving. I blow out a breath. Maybe I should take a tip from Sawyer and go pour myself a drink.

I get up and walk out toward the kitchen. I hear Sawyer talking on the phone. “Yeah, fuck I just checked.” He is pacing back and forth. “Fuck man. That blows.” He takes a few more steps, listening to whoever is on the other side of the call.

He must hear me come in because suddenly his eyes shoot up to me. I give a half smile and turn toward the liquor cabinet to pretend I’m not listening in on his call, but when I turn back around his eyes look more intense.

He doesn’t break eye contact as he continues to talk into the phone. “Yeah, she’s here.”

I raise an eyebrow in question, knowing he’s talking about me since I’m the only one here so far. He says a few more things into the phone, but his eyes never leave mine. Once he hangs up, I casually take a sip of my drink that I poured. “What was that about?” I ask.

“Flights were cancelled.” He says casually like it’s no big deal.

I choke on the liquid going down my throat and cough out. “Excuse me? What?”

He walks over to the counter opposite of me. “The storm came in faster than expected. Nothing coming in or out of the airport tonight. They hope to have things open again tomorrow, but it most likely won’t be until Sunday.”