Page 21 of Room 452

I roll my eyes. “I already have to deal with you for the flight. Go away.”

Surprisingly he just smiles at Erin and then walks away. I blow out a breath and turn back toward her. “Please switch seats with me.” I beg.

She laughs. “No way! Me and Tony already picked out movies for the flight on his laptop.”

I try harder. “Please! I can’t deal with this man any longer. I’m going to lose my mind.”

She shrugs like it’s no big deal. “Why don’t you just fuck the man already?”

I scoff. “Because I find him repulsing.”

She turns and looks at where Sawyer walked off to, and my eyes follow. He chooses that moment to turn back toward us, and he gives us one of those charming smiles.

“Really?” Erin asks. “Because I’d definitely hit that if he would take his eyes off of you for five seconds.”

I turn away from him and look back at Erin. “He’s only doing this to get on my nerves. It’s a game to him. He can’t back out now. It’s a matter of pride. Whoever caves first is the loser.”

Erin laughs. “Sounds really mature.”

I laugh now too. “Yeah maybe, but would you back down if you were up against him?” I give her a pointed look.

She shakes her head. “Fuck no. Take him down.”

We laugh as we walk over toward the check in. “Oh well, I just have to get through this flight and then things will get back to normal.”

She gives me a suspicious look. “If you say so.”

I make it to my seat before Sawyer arrives, so I quickly pull out my phone and earbuds so I don’t have to talk to him. Maybe he’ll fall asleep before he has the chance to try to annoy me. Even if he does look perfectly put together, he was up just as late as me, and I know he was drinking.

I glance up from my phone and see Sawyer walking toward our seats with some little blonde bimbo propped up under his arm. Oh fuck. That bimbo is Chelsea from marketing. Rumor has it she sucked her way to the position she has now. I can neither confirm nor deny that rumor, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it were true. Of course Sawyer somehow managed to seek her out. That’s good though. He finally found someone more his type.

He doesn’t even acknowledge me as they sit down. I don’t even know how he got her the seat next to us, and I don’t want to know. I turn my music up louder so I can try to ignore them.

He makes it surprisingly easy. Too easy in fact. He’s completely shutting me out. He hasn’t even so much as glanced my way for the past hour, and Chelsea’s annoying fucking giggle is getting on my last nerve.

They are doing that annoying whisper thing where everyone around them can still hear them. I shouldn’t be able to hear them over my movies, but hey sometimes there’s a break in the sound. It’s most certainly not because I paused the movie to listen to what they were saying.

There’s finally a moment of peace when she stands to go use the bathroom. I pull out my headphones and stretch my arms over my head. Sawyer glances at me for the first time since the flight took off.

I raise an eyebrow at him. “What are you still doing here?”

He gives me a questioning look. “Where exactly am I supposed to be?”

I nod toward the bathroom. “She’s definitely waiting for you on her knees in that bathroom.”

He leans back in his chair and smirks. “I don’t sleep with co-workers.”

I actually ugly snort a laugh. “Since when?”

He raises an eyebrow at me. “None of your business.” He smirks.

I laugh again. “Does getting blown in an airplane bathroom count as sleeping with someone?” I joke.

He grunts a laugh. “You offering?”

I smirk back. “Oh no, I’d hate to have you bend the rules for me.” I joke.

He leans his mouth down right next to my ear. “Don’t fucking tempt me Blake. I’ll reach under that little airplane blanket you got there and finger fuck you until you strangle my fingers with your wet cunt while you cum.”