Page 15 of Room 452

Then my body is pushed back against my door as Sawyer presses himself all the way against me as his mouth smashes to mine. The kiss is so overpowering that I can’t even let out a gasp. He bends his knees and lifts me until my legs are wrapped around his waist.

I stick my room key in the slot, and he pushes us back into my room. My body slams against the nearest wall, and I moan into his mouth as his tongue swipes inside mine. I thrust my hips forward as my fingers grasp into his hair.

His tongue slips into my mouth again, and then suddenly it’s like every ounce of passion leaves his body at once. He pulls away and pushes me off his body. It was so sudden that I don’t even have time to process that we aren’t making out anymore.

He lets out a harsh breath, and then he spits out almost angrily. “You’re drunk.”

I laugh. “Why am I being scolded?”

“Because you’re pissing me the fuck off.” He grits out.

I smile. “ to my ears.”

His face remains angry, and he is still breathing hard. I take a step forward and run my finger down his chest. “Oh c’mon. You aren’t going to let a little liquor get in the way of this now are you?” I try to sound sexy, but I’m not sure if it came out slurred or not.

I stand up on my toes so my mouth can reach his neck, and then I run my lips up his neck to his jaw where I kiss my way forward. He grabs my wrists and lifts my hands from his chest. “Not. Like. This.” He spews.

I give him an evil smile. “It’s now or never. C’mon Saw. Don’t you want to get this over with already? Show me what a real man can do, so you can check me off your list or something?” I say sarcastically.

He narrows his eyes at me. “Watch yourself. I’d hate for you to regret your words in the morning.”

I lean back against the wall and laugh. “I highly doubt it’d be my words I’d regret in the morning.”

He continues to stare at me, and I think I’ve had enough. “Well, since this little game has come to an end, I think I’ll get back to what I was planning on for tonight, which didn’t involve you.”

I try marching toward the door, but the second I have it open a couple inches, Sawyer slams it back shut. “You’re aren’t fucking taking someone back to your room, Blake.”

I push my elbow back into his stomach. “I’m a big girl. You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

I try to pull the door open again, but he doesn't let me. I whip around and face him. “You can’t keep me here all night, Sawyer!”

He leans down closer to my face and lowers his voice. “No, but I’ll make damn sure to not let you out of my sight.”

I let out an exacerbated breath. “It’s our last night here. You really want to waste it stuck in this hotel room?”

He leans back a little and gives me the cutest grin. “Swimming?”

I cock an eyebrow, confused. “Was that a question?”

He smiles bigger. “Yes. Where’s your suit?”

I laugh. “What are we, twelve?”

He nods. “Yes. Where’s your suit, Blake?”

I bite my lip to hide my smile. I suddenly feel giddy like I really am twelve again gearing up for a day at the pool. “Relax. It’s in the bathroom.”

I turn around and twist my hair up in my hand. “Unzip me?”

I shiver as I feel Sawyer's left hand grip the dress while his right hand grabs the zipper. Instead of just pulling it down, he moves it down slowly inch by excruciating inch until my bare back is completely exposed to him. I swallow hard as his fingers linger on my lower back.

I turn and face him, and give him a small smile. “Give me a second.”

I close the bathroom door and blow out a breath as I quickly get out of my dress and into my swimsuit. I throw a long t-shirt on over top and slip my flip-flops on when I step out. Somehow Sawyer managed to go down to his room to change and back up before I even got out of the bathroom.

He stands from the bed, and man does he look good. His tan skin contrasts with the blue of his swim shorts and white t-shirt. He smiles at me and then quickly walks over and grabs my hand and pulls me out into the hall. We quickly run down the stairs, and I giggle the w

hole way.