Page 73 of Room 452

My chest tightens around my heart, and my mind begins to race. I know Chip is Sawyer’s brother and it seems like he knows what he’s talking about, but Sawyer never gave me any indication that he wanted more. I have to think about my own heart. I can’t very well just give it away to the man knowing he’ll probably never reciprocate those feelings.

I give Chip a half smile, but then his eyes light up. “Oh fuck yeah, he’s going for the kill shot. Quick look sad.”

His mood change catches me off guard, so instead of looking sad, I laugh. “What?”

He nods over toward Sawyer, and I glance over there. I see the girl in the red dress looking over here with puppy dog eyes. I turn back to Chip. “Do I want to know what’s going on?”

He bites his lip to hide his smile. “What good is going through a horrible childhood if you can’t use it to pick up girls?”

I full on laugh now. “No!” I say jokingly. “You guys seriously use your bad foster home to get laid?”

He leans his head to the side and smirks. “Wouldn’t you?”

I laugh, but then my heart sinks as I realize that’s exactly what Sawyer pulled on me back at the cottage. Now I’m fucking mad for listening to Chip. See, I knew I shouldn’t have started thinking about him that way. This was sex. Nothing more.

“I should have known after you guys pulled that move on me.” I try to say jokingly, but I can tell my voice sounds strained.

Chip raises his eyebrows in surprise, and then he burst out laughing. “Oh fuck no! He did not want you to find out about that! He was so fucking pissed at me. The fucker changed his Netflix password! I have to pay for my own now!”

I laugh. “Why would he be mad about me finding out?”

Chip shrugs. “You’re not the type of girl he wants pity from.”

Before I have a chance to process what he said, Sawyer comes back over. “Amy here was looking for a dance partner. I told her I was with my girl, but you could step in.” He says to Chip.

Chip stands and immediately strikes up a conversation with her. For some reason I think he was getting rejected all day on purpose just so he could have this moment with his brother. Chip is an attractive guy, and with the way he is so easily able to charm this lady, sob story or not, he’d be able to do just fine with the ladies.

Sawyer reaches his hand down to me. “Dance with me.”

I grab it and look at him funny. “Your girl?”

He makes a face like he’s thinking. “Somehow stubborn, sassy girl who says she doesn’t want me but somehow can’t keep her hands off me,

one day hates me and the next has my cock down her throat didn’t quite roll off the tongue as well.”

I laugh as he leads me out to the dance floor. “Well, I’m glad we clarified that.”

He holds me close as we dance to a couple songs. He pulls my back up against his chest, and then he starts kissing his way from my shoulder up my neck. I whip around in his arm and place my lips against his as we sway to the music. He leans his forehead up against mine. “Can we please go home?” He whispers to me.

“What about Chip? He drove us.” I laugh.

Sawyer groans. “He can call an Uber.”

I smile and lean up and kiss his lips again. “Okay.”

Sawyer grabs my hand and practically drags me off the dance floor. He barely stops by Chip. “We’re taking the car. Don’t come back to my place tonight.” He says as we pass by.

Chip waves his hand over his head like he heard him and doesn’t give a fuck because he has a hot girl dancing on him. It doesn’t take very long to get back home. Sawyer sets his keys on the table and turns to me and smiles. I was half expecting him to jump me the moment we got back here like he usually does, but he hasn’t made a move yet.

I am not exactly sure what to do since I thought the reason we came back here was to fuck. I sway my dress nervously. “So how do you usually do your little pick up stunt if you don’t have a girl with you?”

Sawyer smirks at me. “The stunts are just for Chip. I don’t use those.”

I laugh. “Oh please. You’re the master of pick up lines.”

He steps closer to me. “No, pick up lines are rehearsed and universal. I just know how to read my audience.”

I smile back. “Oh? Please, do tell. What line would you use on me?”