Page 33 of Room 452

I groan and slap the counter lightly. “You know what? I fucking tried to be nice here. Making you breakfast, trying to start a truce, but no, of course not. You’re fucking impossible.”

He leans forward and stabs his fork into the omelette and takes a bite. “Mmm...delicious.” He smirks at me. “Now I can cross off my second choice for the things I want to taste in this house.”

I almost choke on my own spit. “No!” I gasp. “No, you did not just try to say that!”

His smile grows and then we both burst out laughing “C’mon weirdo,” I say as I walk toward the living room. “It’s movies and games until we can get out of here.”

Making breakfast did actually seem to help ease all the hostility between us. In fact, Sawyer turned his excessive flirting into a game. He literally is trying every cliche in the book, including trying to cuddle during the movie, throwing flour on my face while we bake cookies, and trying to press himself against me to show me how to shoot with a pool stick when in reality I’m better at pool than him. Not that he will admit it even after losing three games in a row.

My stomach begins to rumble as dinner time approaches. “You hungry?” I ask him.

He nods. “Yeah, let me take you on a date.”

I roll my eyes. “We are never discussing what happened here this weekend.”

He grins. “What happens in the cabin, stays in the cabin. I like it. Can’t wait for tonight.”

I laugh as I walk toward the kitchen. “What do you want to eat?”

He follows behind me. “Dinner and dancing. I’m taking you to Mully’s.”

Mully’s is the only local bar/restaurant within a 50 mile radius. I look back at Sawyer in question. “Dancing?”

The bar does have a jukebox, but I don’t think that many people actually dance to it. Maybe I’ll have enough drinks to make it seem like a good idea. Go big or go home. It’s the last day of vacation in our weird little getaway.

Sawyer grunts. “They are having a live band.”

“A what?” I ask, surprised. “Is it old Benny on his banjo?” I joke.

Sawyer smiles. “Better. The few highschool students in the area formed a cover band.”

I raise an eyebrow at him. “They let highschoolers into a bar?”

He shrugs. “Desperate times call for desperate measures.”

I push off the counter and start heading toward my room. “Let me change quick and then we can go.”

He calls after me. “Putting on some sexy lingerie underneath?” He asks.

I turn and look at him while I walk backwards. “Why would I have packed lingerie for a team building weekend?”

He shrugs. “That’s one way to build the team.”

I laugh and roll my eyes as I turn back around. “You’re disgusting.”


Our cab pulls up to the bar 30 minutes later. It was only lightly snowing while we drove, so that’s a good sign. We probably could have flown out tonight, but it’s easier to fly out in the morning.

The bar is semi-crowded. I mean, as crowded as a bar in a small town can be. Although it is pretty much the only place to hang out on a Saturday night, so I guess it makes sense that there’s a lot of people here.

“I’m starving.” I say as I sit down at the bar. “You want an appetizer?”

“Sure.” Sawyer says as he signals the bartender.

A few minutes later we have a couple drinks in front of us and are now just waiting on the food. I casually take a sip of my drink from my straw when suddenly Sawyer mutters under his breath, “Fuck.”

I glance over at him, and he reaches out and grabs my arm. “We have to go.”