Page 30 of Screwed

It’s the best pizza place in town and is only a few doors down so I could grab it after work if I needed to.

“Sure. I need to do stock at the bar tomorrow afternoon but I can pick you up and we can head back to my place after closing if you want.”

I remember his roommate from this morning and my stomach clenches at the thought of seeing him again.

“Actually, maybe we could go to my place?” I offer.

He studies me for a moment and I shift, my fingers twisting together in front of me.

“So you met Abel,” he says, hanging his head for a moment.

“Is that your… the guy who was in your apartment this morning?” I ask and he nods.

“Yeah, he’s my brother. He’s staying with me for a bit. I didn’t even think to mention him last night and then this morning you left before I woke up. To be honest, I didn’t think that he would even be awake so early. He’s usually a late riser,” he says.

“To be fair, I don’t think that he had gone to bed yet when I ran into him,” I try to joke but instead of smiling, Arlo’s jaw tightens and his eyes get hard for a flash.

“Oh, I’ll have to have a talk with him,” he grumbles. I want to ask, A talk about what? But it doesn’t feel like I have a right to.

“So, dinner tomorrow?” Arlo asks, changing the subject and I decide to let it go.

If he wanted to open up or talk to me about anything, I’m sure that he would. We’re just not there yet, which makes sense since we’ve only been out on one date.


“How about we get Mancino’s? Say around six? I can grab pizza on the way home.”

“I’ll grab it. Pepperoni?” he says and I nod.

“Sounds good.”

Arlo gives me that easygoing smile of his that puts me at ease and I watch as he closes the distance between us. I tilt my head up, offering my mouth as my eyelids flutter closed and he wastes no time in claiming my mouth greedily.

There’s no hesitation to our kiss this time. I open for him instantly and he pushes his tongue past my lips to tangle with mine.

I moan into the embrace, my hands gripping his biceps as I cling to him. It’s like we can’t get close enough and I have the strangest urge to try to rip his shirt off of him. I doubt that I could, but boy would it be fun to try.

His lips move over mine and I hold on to him tighter. He still tastes like summer, that mint-and-honey flavor that is starting to become familiar, and I wonder if that is his toothpaste or if it’s just him. Either way, I want to drown in the flavor. I want to commit it to memory so that if anything goes wrong between us, I’ll still have this taste.

His fingers tangle in my red hair and I’m glad that I didn’t put it up this morning. He tugs on the locks and I moan, opening for him more. He presses against me, that ridge in his pants pressing against me in the most mind-numbing way and now I wish that we were both naked.

“So perfect,” he murmurs against my mouth and I smile, my lips curving against his.

“I was just thinking the same thing,” I whisper back and he grins at me.

He drops one more kiss on my swollen lips before he takes a reluctant half step back. I love that he doesn’t want to pull away from me, that he can’t seem to get enough of me either. It makes me feel wanted and desired, something that I’ve never experienced before in my life.

I want to pull him back to me but I know that he needs to get to work and I have to do things around here too.

“I’ll see you tomorrow night,” he whispers before he pulls back, taking a few more steps away from me and I nod.

I’m still in a daze and I blink slowly as Arlo steps forward, his green eyes twinkling, and drops one last kiss on my lips before he heads out of the store. I watch through the front windows as he heads across the street to the bar and disappears out of sight inside.

I know that he has to work tonight and I wonder if maybe I should swing by the bar for a drink after work tonight and see him for a bit. I feel like a high schooler or some boy-crazy teen trying to spend all of my free time around my crush.

I kind of like it.

I try to get back to work and I’m surprised when the door opens a few minutes later. I’m expecting for it to be Madelyn or maybe Lyla or Sutton, here to check on me and the shop. I’m sure that they’re dying to know how last night went and I’m surprised that I haven’t heard from any of them yet.