Page 22 of Screwed

“Just the check please,” he asks our waitress and she nods.

“That was so good,” I say.

“Better than the chicken tenders?”

“Oh yeah.”

The check is dropped off and Arlo sets his credit card down before I can offer to split it with him.

“I think that I have some cash,” I say, grabbing my purse but Arlo shakes his head.

“I asked you out. It’s my treat.”

My cheeks heat and I’m not even sure why. I nod, putting my wallet back in my purse as the waitress takes his card and the check. She’s back a minute later and I watch as Arlo signs his name and stands.

He offers me his hand and suddenly I’m not ready for the night to end.

“Where do you live?” I ask him as we make our way outside.

“Do you know where the Laundry Mat is?”


“Yeah, I’m right above it.”

“Really?” I ask and he laughs.

“Yeah, I bought it when I first came to town and I wasn’t sure how long I would be staying. I guess I just never got around to finding a different place.”

“Is it… Does it smell like laundry detergent all of the time?” I ask and he laughs.

“Want to come over and find out?”


“Follow me there?” He asks when we both remember that we drove separately.


He squeezes my hand as he opens the car door for me and I smile as I slide inside and set the tulips on the passenger seat.

He closes the door and I wait for him to get into his car before I back up and follow him back to Destiny Falls. It feels like I should call Madelyn or Sutton or Lyla and ask for advice on what to do when the guy invites you back to his place but I’m too nervous that I’ll get distracted and lose sight of Arlo’s car.

Or that they’ll freak me out and I’ll make some excuse to go home instead.

Arlo turns off of Main Street and pulls into a small parking lot behind the Laundry Mat. I take the spot next to him and take a deep breath as I climb out of the car.

Arlo takes my hand and shivers run down my spine. The air around us seems to grow heavier with sexual tension as we take the stairs up to his place. My palms feel damp and I wonder if he notices. I wonder if he can tell that there are other parts of me growing damp too.

He drops my hand to unlock his front door and I miss his touch instantly. I don’t know what’s gotten into me, but I want his hands on me. I crave his touch.

Maybe all of those sexual feelings that I was supposed to have when I was a teenager are finally kicking in because for the first time in my life, I want him.

We enter his place and I glance around quickly as he closes the door behind us. There’s a kitchen and living room directly in front of me. A row of windows overlooks downtown and the deserted street below us.

Arlo steps to the side of me and I turn to him. It’s like everything happens in slow motion after that. He looks at me and I take a step closer to him, my dress swaying around my legs with the movement.

Then we’re both reaching for each other and it’s like everything shifts into overspeed. His lips land on mine and my hands grip his arms as he backs me up against the wall beside the door.