Page 52 of Screwed

“No. I don’t know how to bring it up now.”

“You have to tell him,” Lyla says and I glare at her.

“I know that. I would never hide this from him,” I snap and she holds up her hands in surrender.

“You could just call him and say that you need to talk to him and then tell him over the phone,” Sutton suggests.

“I feel like it should be done in person,” Madelyn interjects and they start to debate that as I take another sip of water.

My stomach is starting to get upset again from all of the stress and I know that I need to tell him soon, for my and the baby’s health.

“Have you heard anything more about his brother and the charges?” Madelyn asks and I sigh.

“Yeah, he pleaded guilty. Officer Miles said that he targeted my shop because his brother talked about it all of the time and he thought that it would be the easiest place to rob. He could just bust in, grab some antiques, and slip back out. Then he’d wait a few weeks before he tried to pawn them.”

“That doesn’t mean that Arlo knew that his brother was the one who robbed you,” Lyla says.

“Yeah, Arlo was probably talking more about you than the antiques,” Sutton adds.

“I know,” I admit quietly.

“Can you really blame him for wanting to believe that his brother changed? Family can make you do crazy things,” Sutton says and I start to tear up.

“No, not really anyway. I wanted to believe that he knew because then I wouldn’t have to deal with all of this right now. It was just a shock but I don’t think that he had hard evidence that his brother did it and I can’t fault him for wanting to believe the best of his family.”

“I think that you should just tell him. Just walk up to him one day and say it. You need to get this out in the open and off of your chest. We can all see how it’s wearing on you,” Madelyn says.

“I know,” I say with a sigh.

They start on the main entrées and I pick at some french fries and a burger. It’s delicious, like all of Hudson’s food is, but it does nothing to fill the ache in my stomach.

The topic moves on from me and my drama and I try to keep up as Madelyn tells us about the latest date and movie night that she had with Flynn. Sutton says something about Teller and the Mystery Cabin but it goes in one ear and out the other.

I need to get all of this over with. It’s starting to affect every corner of my life and I don’t want to be this person anymore.

I’ve wrapped my head around it and now I’m even excited to be a mom in a few months. It’s time for me to tell Arlo the news now too.

I just hope that it’s happy news to him too.