
Miles pays the taxi driver and we’re racing up the dark stairwell of his downtown apartment. Miles hustles ahead of me, taking the stairs two at a time. I sneak a quick look at his cute butt as he lunges, and when I try to reach out for a cheeky backhanded slap, I miss and stumble forward.

“Oh, shit!” I laugh, catching my fall with my palms.

“What are you doing? Are you ok?” Miles turns around, eyes wide. He retreats down and helps me up, guiding me back to my feet with two strong hands.

I look up, giggling. “Yes, I’m fine. I was trying to do this.” I reach around and give his tight backside a squeeze and wiggle my brows. “It’s too sweet to resist. But the stairs kind of got in the way.”

“Come on,” Miles chuckles and rolls his eyes. He grips my hand and leads the way forward, a skip in his step.

“Remind me again why we’re hurrying?”

We reach the top of the stairs of the third level. The corridor is dark, the only light guiding us is tiny orange wall-lamps spaced out every few feet. I’ve been here a few times, but usually Miles would be attached to my mouth as we stumbled up the corridor.

“I don’t want Noah to find out about us from anyone else...”

Miles plucks his keys from his pocket and unlocks the door to apartment fourteen. The familiar smell of apple and cinnamon floats through the doorway and meets my smiling lips. Miles might be tough and burly on the outside… After all, his reputation on the ice is one of physical brutality and unforgiving strength… But once you see how he lives; candles, potpourri and soft throws over his sofa, you get a personal insight into the heart of this gorgeous man.

I smile, looking around his living space. A new turquoise coloured blanket draped over the arm of the grey sofa is a new touch. Smiling, I can’t help but notice the collection of travel magazines scattered on the glass coffee table and wonder over to check them out.

“Planning a trip?” I grab the top brochure and flick through the pages. “Luxury in New York, hey? Damn, these are some nice places.”

“Huh? Wha-” Miles is busy fumbling around in the pocket of his coat, and when he looks up to see me with the brochure, a look of surprise makes his eyes pop. “Oh, that… Yeah…” I sense a hint of hesitation in his voice and his eyes keep flicking from me to the floor. “End of season holiday or something... Perhaps.”

“I hope you were planning on inviting me! I’ve never been to New York before… I could visit Hazel!” I bounce on my heels, clapping the brochure between my hands. “She’s always going on about this little bakery she loves… We could save money and stay with her, do you-”

“Ah… Ellie?” Miles strides across the room, his coat now on the hook, revealing a cute Beatles shirt that looks as old as me. “I’m going to call Noah. I need to get it off my chest. I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t.”

Miles’ cheeks are flushed red and as he moves in closer, I notice tiny beads of sweat forming across his brow. This really means something to him. I take a second to draw a long breath, smiling softly to Miles who is shaking. I take his hands in mine, lean up and peck a soft kiss to his lips.

My heart leaps. It’s screaming out for me to latch on and taste him right here, right now. I want to tackle him to the sofa and pull his cock out, slap it against my tongue and taste it all for my own.

Miles’ hand curls around my back, and I allow my head to fall on his chest, releasing the naughty dream floating through my mind. He pulls tight, holding me like he’s never going to let me go. Or maybe he’s holding me like it might be the last time he gets to? Maybe he thinks Noah will forbid our love.

Miles is such a decent, loyal guy, that if Noah said he didn’t like it, he would give him the respect of distancing himself from me. Despite our connection.


A pull grabs my stomach and yanks down.

That can’t happen. I won’t let it happen.

“Just send him a message…” I shrug lazily. “It’ll be quicker.”

“I can’t do something this huge over text message…”

“Of course you can! And it’s not fucking huge!” I say, my voice begging to be listened to. I push back against Miles’ chest, grab his phone from his hand and tap out a message. My tongue slides between my teeth as I type quickly, passing the phone back to Miles before I hit send. “Read it. Then press send if you’re happy. I’m tired and I want this to be over already.”

I study Miles’ eyes as they move across the screen. After a few seconds, he closes his eyes and I see his finger tap on the screen. A ‘woosh’ blasts from his phone, confirming he’s hit send.

A bright smile lights up my face and I pull Miles into my gaze with a dip of my head.

“It’s done now…” I say.

Before I can say another word, a bing makes us both jump. I’m shaking, and when Miles looks up, he’s as white as a ghost.

“Want me to read it?” I hold my hand out, my expression soft.

Miles nods and passes me his phone. He steps back and spins on the spot, his hands running through his sandy blonde hair as he draws in deep, long breaths.

I look down, and read Noah’s reply out aloud:

No shit, mate. You guys haven’t exactly been hiding it well.

Just treat her right. I’d hate to have to kick my captain’s ass.

Miles spins on the spot. His smile lifts his cheeks and the way he’s holding me is like a giant Noah-shaped weight has been lifted off his shoulders. With his eyes trailing down my body, Miles takes one giant step and lifts me up.

“Argh! Miles!” I squeal, giggling. Miles spins on the spot, twirling me like I’m a little fucking girl again. “See! I fucking told you.”

Miles drops me to the floor and presses a quick kiss to my forehead. “I should never have doubted you, sweetie.”

I smile in agreement. “Nevermind. You will learn. Now…” I trail a teasing finger along Miles’ chest and drop it to the button of his jeans. His eyes pop and I swipe a teasing tongue across my lips. “Can we go to bed already?”

Miles growls and sweeps down to bite down on my lip. “Why go to bed when we can just do it here?”

“Very true... I’ve been patient, ever since you walked into the bar looking all serious and sexy…” His lips suck mine, pulling me closer. His mouth locks, pressing hard against my mouth and I can feel the relief as his tongue glides inside my mouth.