
“Ellie! Ellie!” I pace through the crowded streets directly outside of the bar, trying to keep up. “Wait, please!”


I know I’ve said the wrong thing. The second the words left my lips, I felt it. My heart sank, and panic ripped through my body. I knew I just had to get her alone. If I could just explain myself, maybe the scowl might fade and everything would be ok again.

I need everything to be ok again.

I don’t know what my fucking problem is. Despite how I feel about Ellie, the thought of telling one of my best friend’s that I’m banging his sister scares the shit out of me.

I’d rather fight a seven-foot, toothless goaltender any day rather than have that conversation.

I catch up to Ellie, and she turns to face me. Her usually bright and bubbly eyes are blank. Her gorgeous hair flows in the gentle breeze that’s making my cheeks prickle in the cold night air. She’s not smiling, and that alone kills a part of me.

“Sweetie,” I pant, gripping her by the wrists. “Listen…”

“What is it?” Ellie barks, cutting me off with her snappy tone. “Why do we have to keep hiding? I’m tired of it, Miles.”

“I know you are…” I gulp down, my hands sweating like never before.

“What is it? You tell me you’re not embarrassed…”

“And I’m not! That’s not it at all.” My voice is rising, a barrel of hot steam coming from my mouth with every word. “I swear on my father’s grave, I’m not ashamed to be with you, Ellie Edwards.”

Why anyone would ever be embarrassed to be with a goddess like Ellie, I don’t know.

She’s been hurt before. I know that. Maybe that’s why she’s so sensitive about me not wanting to tell Noah? Maybe that’s why this means so much to her?

She’s told me all about Kelvin and his stupid excuses about why he never took her anywhere. Even when they did go out, he didn’t hold her hand or display any form of affection around other people. It’s not just that… There’s more to Kelvin, and I swear to God, if I ever see that piece of shit, I’ma smack him like the tiny little black puck he is.

Ellie folds her arms across her chest and sighs. A gut-wrenching feeling pulls at me, and I force myself to take a timid step forward and pull her into my arms.

This woman is gorgeous. She’s everything a woman should be. Her body is a wonderland. A curvy ride that I’ve had the pleasure of seeing every inch of. But she’s so much more than a sexy stunner that gets my balls bursting with the slightest touch.

It’s her laugh, that infectious giggle that tickles my ears so often. She’s so easy going and relaxed. She’s happy. Like, way over-the-top happy, and that’s an amazing trait to have in this horrible dark world.

That why I know for her to react the way she has, I’ve fucked up big time.

Ellie sinks into me and I feel her breathe me in. Her body rises and falls in my arms, and for a moment, it’s like nothing has happened. I haven’t put my large hoof in my mouth.

I draw in a breath of her peach-scented hair and it’s the connection that’s between us that calms the situation.

It’s the heat. The passion. The love.

It’s tugging and rippling through our bodies, prying at our emotions to forgive and move on. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. Heck, I’m not sure I’ve felt like this about anything in my life, and that includes hockey.

But to move on, I need to do the right thing for this girl, and fucking man up.

I pull Ellie by the chin so her deep, leafy green eyes latch on. A brisk breeze is growing restless around us, and flakes of snow begin to dot the dark night sky with tiny flecks of white. I feel her body against mine, and my twitching dick reminds me that it’s been five long weeks since I’ve had her all to myself.

Five weeks too long.

“Babe…” I feel Ellie breathe deeply under my touch. “I’ll tell him. If that’s what you want… If you’re ready for that, I’ll tell him.”

Ellie’s glossy lips curl upward, only, I was expecting more of a smile than she’s giving me. I wanted a leap in the arms, smack-a-kiss on the mouth reaction… Instead, Ellie is barely smiling, and when she looks up again, a frown forms across her brow.

“So…” Her voice is soft, hauntingly beautiful as always, but I can tell there’s more to this conversation that I didn’t anticipate. “What exactly are you telling him? Because… Knowing my brother as I do, I don’t think ‘hey buddie, I’m banging your sister three ways til Sunday…’ will go down so well…”

I shuffle on the spot, looking at my untied laces and then up again. “Well, I guess I’ll just ease him into it.”

Ellie links her arms around my neck and pulls herself up, her breasts rubbing against my chest. Her body feels perfect against mine, but it’s just making me want her even more. Ellie’s mouth moves close to mine, and the heat of her breath sends shivers down my spine.

“Spunky-monkey…” Ellie says, her favourite nickname sounding weirdly odd outside of the bedroom. “Would you like me to tell him?”

I shake my head firmly. “No. No way. I’m the man and I’ll be the one to take the hit.”

“This isn’t hockey…”

“It doesn’t matter. Leave it to me. I’ll deal with it.”