“We should go back there then… He called me.” Miles says, his topaz-coloured iris splitting my insides with a handsome stare.

“He called you?”

“Yeah,” Miles shrugs, sipping his beer. “Said it was fucking crazy down here tonight.” A loud roar is timely, and when a guy props up on another man’s shoulders and starts chugging a beer, I can’t help but smile. “And he wasn’t wrong.”

“They’re celebrating! Everyone in town is talking about the game.” The entire bar erupts with a loud chant. The guy floating on someone’s shoulders finishes the beer-filled Viking horn to a rapturous applause and there’s beer flying everywhere. “You realise you just beat the second-placed team in the conference seven-zero.”

Miles sneaks a cocky smile, before the captain inside of him takes hold and pulls his features down. “It’s just one game. We’re only one step closer to the goal we set ourselves. We haven’t won anything yet. It’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than that to win this championship, so we can’t afford to get ahead of ourselves.”

Oh fuck, my ovaries.

There’s something special about a rough, tall, Canadian talking hockey. It’s passion, strength and pure masculinity all rolled into one pussy-drenching conversation. And when the guy who’s speaking looks the way Miles does, fuck… My panties soak through in an instant.

“Oh, Miles…” I sneak in closer, so my hip pops into him with a cheeky poke. “You know how much I love it when you talk hockey to me…”

I see the flash across Miles’ eyes. He fades into a far, far away land… I know he can see my naked body in his trance. It’s right there in front of him. Standing and waiting for him to take me as his own. My body is his. He knows it. I’ve let him fuck me like a wild, ravaged animal before. He’s let me explore every ripple of his toned stomach. I’ve licked fudge from his body and eaten strawberries from his mouth while he smashes two fingers deep inside me.

Our sex is hot, steamy, and passionate.

Is it because it’s forbidden? Is it because Noah doesn’t know?

Not for me. I don’t care if my brother finds out. It’s Miles who cares about that.

No. For me, it’s our connection. My body craves Miles. It’s made for him. And he’s made for me.

“Well, you know, baby…”

Miles leans in close, his teasing, lustful voice tickling my earlobe. A shiver of excitement rolls down my arm, allowing me to loop a finger into the hook of his jeans. Just as Miles dips his head towards my neck, giving in to every temptation he’s been fighting, a hand grips his shoulder and pulls him back with a forceful yank.

“There you two are!” My brother’s voice bellows.

Miles’ eyes shoot open, and my finger unhooks from the belt loop of his jeans. I take a subtle step back and sip my beer, eyeing Noah’s smoky grey eyes over the top of my glass with a scowl only a sibling could get away with.

“Hey, Bud,” Miles says, his voice so fake and un-casual I’m sure Noah will think something’s up. Not that I care, I’ve been telling Miles we should just tell my brother we’re screwing for months. “It’s fucking noisy in here, right? Your sister was having trouble hearing me.”

Your sister? Your sister???!!!

Noah nods and they chat casually for a moment, but I’m not listening. A ball of fire is building in my belly, and it’s not the usual one that Miles ignites inside of me.

Did Miles really just refer to me as ‘your sister’?

I know he’s nervous about revealing whatever the hell this is that’s going on between us… But surely I’m worthy of more than that?

“Come on, Ellie,” Noah says, waving his arm so I follow behind them. “The rest of the team are back here. Security keeps a better eye on the crowd up this end, so if anything starts up-”

“I think I’m just going to go home,” I shrug. Miles’ face drops and he stops still. “I’m a bit tired and I-”

“You’re tired?” Noah says, his eyes darting between Miles and I, surprise in his expression. “I never thought I’d hear those words come out of your mouth. My sister… The party girl… Tired?”

I shrug, my arms folded over my chest. Miles is trying to catch my eyes, but his newest pet name for me is still rattling around in my head.

Your sister. Seriously?

“Yeah. Well. There you go.”

“Oh, well…” Noah breathes heavily and presses his hands to his hips. A smash of several glasses from behind the bar cause the entire bar to erupt in a wicked cheer that lasts several seconds, and when they die down, Noah moves towards the front door of the bar. “Come on, I’ll wait with you until a taxi picks you up.”

Noah moves ahead, and as he does, I see the panic in Miles’ eyes.

“I can wait with her,” Miles says, his voice desperate as he side-eyes me. Noah spins on the spot and looks at his teammate. “Yeah, I mean, I didn’t really want to be here anyway… I only came because you called…”

There’s a silence. Normally, I don’t mind waiting by myself, but as annoying and demoralising as it is, I don’t really feel like waiting in the freezing cold snow for a taxi all alone. Vancouver is safe, of course, but you just never know which creep might be lurking around the corner.