Page 9 of Something Old

Chapter Five



I wake up and have to make a run for it. This is not really the morning after I want to give Peirce. I try to scoot out from under his arm while still getting up quickly. I don't make it halfway across the room before I hear Peirce waking up. Damn it. I was hoping he could sleep in some.

Actually, I was hoping that I would be able to wake him by putting his cock in my mouth and trying my blow job skills out. I make it to the toilet just in time. Hands reach around me and help hold my hair back as I empty my already empty stomach. I sit back once I'm done and a washcloth is produced right in front of my face. I take it with nothing but gratitude.

"How long have you been getting sick?"

His voice is stern and serious. I try to give him my best pout but it's not working this morning. "A little while now."

"How long?" he takes my chin and tilts it up so I have to look at him.

"About a week."

"Is it every morning?" I nod my head not wanting to admit that sometimes it's throughout the day as well. "I'll have my doctor send someone who specializes in OB/GYN issues in between the rehearsal and the dinner tonight."

"Peirce,..." I'm about to tell him not to take over when my phone rings. I go back into the bedroom to grab it before it stops ringing.

"Guess what I just found out?" Payton has been up for a while if her voice is any indication. She is entirely too chipper.

"I don't know, what?"

"Our baby sister," this would normally make me laugh for minutes because of Payton calling her twin her baby sister when they’re only separated by about five minutes, but this morning I just want to lay back down with Peirce so I let it go, "spent the night with the Sheriff."

All thought of rest flies from my head, "Uh-uh."

"Yes. She went home with him last night in the cruiser and it hasn't moved all morning long and no one has seen Hadden."

"You better check the jail. He could have just locked her up for annoying the hell out of him."

"Like I didn't do that already. Ford can't get a hold of him and Hadden isn't picking up either. I'm telling you - she spent the night!"

"I'm calling Charlie."

"Do it!"

I hang up and look at Peirce who is looking back at me with a smirk on his face. "Go on, find out if your sister is alright. I'll order us a light breakfast."

I give him a big grin and blow him a kiss as I hit Charlie's number. I have to call her twice because she doesn't answer the first time. Just when I think I'm going to have to leave a message and call Hadden myself she picks up.

"Sooo, a little birdie told me our sweet baby sister went home with Dirk."

"What?" What is going on? She seems just as shocked as I was and Charlie knows everything about our family.

"Payton called to tell me no one has heard from Dirk or Hadden since they left together last night and she hasn't been home." Silence greets me. "Did you see her come home?"

Charlie lives in an apartment over the garage at mom and dad's so she would definitely be able to tell me if Hadden made it home or not. There’s a long pause that has me worried about her. Even though I know Charlie is the responsible one I saw her talking with the blue-haired guy that owns the bike shop across the street from mom's store.

"Great all my sisters went home with men and I woke up alone in a stranger's house."

"What?!" Maybe I should start worrying about her too. Someone has to worry about our big sister.

"By the way, I'm pretty sure Teddy is going to try to call you about Reef."

"Reef?" What does he have to do with anything?