Page 3 of Something Old

Chapter Two



I'm pulled back to the day my world died. No! I can't think like that. I have something greater to live for than this asshole standing in front of me. And yet no matter how much I want to push past this hurt it still rears up and I'm taken back to that day.

I had just stepped out of the elevator onto Peirce's floor. I was so happy. He had left me a note and flowers laying on the bed next to me. Daisies even. He listened to me when I told him my favorite flower. One of the models from the photoshoot is standing in his office cooing at him.

I square my shoulders ready to fight for my man. Peirce's voice rings out, laced with a venom that chills me. "Don't fucking touch me. I'm married."

So many thoughts shoot through my mind. The top one being that maybe it’s not really Peirce but someone else in his office. Someone who happens to be married. And sounds just like him. The model -God, I never liked her to start with - just giggles. "So?"

"So I am very committed to my wife and I will end any career you could even think about having if you keep this up. In fact, it might be over now."

I step forward just a little and see him. It is Peirce. I can keep trying to lie to myself about this being something it’s not but eventually, I'm going to have to open my eyes. I'm the other woman. I've been cheating with someone else's husband. Oh God! I'm in love with someone who does this sort of thing all the time.

That model might have been coming back for seconds and he just got pissed about her clingy ass. Maybe he even paid her to leave him alone and she's back for more money. Is that what he was going to do with me? Pay me to disappear? What the hell have I done?

I take off running and it feels like I've been running ever since. And earlier today I found out I'm even more fucked than I first thought. Not only am I the other woman but I'm pregnant. The thought makes my belly toss about like a ship on the waves of an angry ocean.

Now I have the problem of telling him or waiting. I mean he has to be told...right? It's the right thing to do. But what if he tries to take the baby from me? That’s the scenario that keeps me from saying anything to him. He's a fucking billionaire and I'm just now starting to make a name for myself as a model. I'm getting good work that could lead to more and more so that I can take care of myself...and now my baby too. If he tried to take the baby, I'm pretty sure a judge would have no problem giving the baby to a person that can offer it anything it desires. Which means I can't let him least not yet.

I'm pulled back to the present when he wraps his arm around my waist. I start to freak out. Will it hurt the baby having this much pressure around my tummy area? It's not like he's hurting me or even holding me too tightly. But what do I know? I just want to make sure this baby is safe and loved.

"Put me down!" I sound panicky even to my own ears.

"Stop fighting me!"

"Stop! You'll hurt me!" He doesn't listen automatically but when he hears the last sentence, he's quick to give me some space. I can't tell if that's because we’re next to his car or because of what I said.

"I would never!" He takes my face in his hands so he can steer my face up so our eyes are locked. "I would never hurt you. You know that."

I don't answer. I do know he would never harm me on purpose but things change all the time and once he finds out the secret I'm keeping everything could change for the worse.

"We're going to my rental and we're going to have a nice long talk about how things are going to go, angel and you're going to get in this car without me putting you there, aren't you?"

I think for one hot minute about telling him I won't. If it were just me then I would. Just to find out what he would do. But it’s not just about me, is it? I finally step into the back of the vehicle without his interference. He has his driver/bodyguard with him. The guy goes everywhere Peirce goes. Once I'm in and buckled I turn away from Peirce. I don't want to do this but it's for the best. Maybe this will be a good thing. A chance to come clean and move on without feeling so guilty.

God, the guilt is worse than the fear. Guilt over being the other woman, over being stupid enough to get knocked up the first time I ever had sex. The thought takes me back to that night. It seemed magical and so perfect. I wouldn't have slept with just anyone.

From the moment our eyes met on set I knew Peirce was going to be my One. I swallow the lump in my throat at the idea. He wasn't like most of the other owners or CEO's I’d worked with before. He wasn't there to look at the girls in skimpy clothes. It was just business...until he looked up and found me standing in front of the lens.

He got rid of almost everyone on set and told the woman in charge of the photography to find a female photographer. He made such a big deal out of someone seeing me and I wasn't even in a very revealing outfit. Women wear less at the beach. Two days after I finished, my agent got a call that they wanted me back to do another photoshoot, but this time they were on Bali.

It was the farthest away from home I had ever been. I’d done some shoots in Jamaica but that was it. I was so fucking nervous but in less than twenty-four hours he had me on a private plane jetting me off to the other side of the world. And I'll admit to the fact that my head was turned by the experience. He made sure my room was big and open and beautiful. He ate every dinner with me and after the shoots at the end of each day, he would whisk me away to do something fun like scuba diving or petting dolphins or some wild, crazy thing like that. It was magic.

I don't know how I held off for so long. But somehow I waited until we got back. He asked me to stay with him for just a little longer that night and I ended up never leaving. Somehow kisses led to touches and touches to licks and bites much more.

I look up as the big rock house everyone on the island calls "The Castle" comes into focus and I let out a sad sigh as we pull in. How awful? This son of a bitch is renting the Castle and it’s supposed to be a place full of magic and love. This is the house the first man who owned the island built for his love. Oh he didn't know he loved her right away. She lied to him about being her sister - the one he was really supposed to marry - and he married her without even lifting the veil but as soon as he laid eyes on her he fell. He fell so hard that he built her a castle as a sign of their love for one another.

It’s not really a castle. It's a big stone house that rambles off in three different directions. It's three stories high with a cellar that is now used to house fancy wines that people who book the place can have for a hefty price. And that symbol of everlasting this man's weekend retreat. It is the very symbol of what is wrong with this - with me and him, with our relationship...affair, with his He, in general, is just wrong.

This is a symbol of someone's love for a wife they spent their life taking care of and loving and instead of realizing how important that is he just...rents it for the weekend. He's treating this place the same way he treated me. I too had all of this love inside of me to give to the person I thought cared for me and it was just a weekend fling.

I can't tell him about this baby. The very thought of this child is different for both of us. I made this child out of love for the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. He made our child as...I can't even say what he did. It just didn't mean as much to him as it did to me but then again that wasn't his first time.

Our first time was my first time...ever. I stupidly gave this man my cherry but worse than that...I gave him my heart. How do I tell someone who looks at that as such an insignificant thing that we are supposed to find a way to co-parent a child? And oh my God, what if he doesn't want anything to do with it at all. I would be totally fine with that if he just walked away and we both promised never to see one another again but what if he tries to make me get rid of it.