Iget through a shower to wash the salt off my skin and see Roman still on the computer. I wrap my bare arms around him and kiss his cheek. “You’re missing out on all the fun.”

“I’m not the only one. Holden just got roped in so Gunner’s only a matter of time.”

“But I can’t just walk around with Nick.” I pout. “Bella will get mad.”

“Why don’t you go see your dad?”

“How did he escape?”

Roman turns to look at me and groans. I knew just wearing the towel would get to him. But his hands don’t leave the keyboard of his laptop. “Farei qualsiasi cosa per te.”

“Want to translate that for me?”

“I want you to learn Italian.” He leans back.

I kiss him softly, drinking him in like he’s the only water in the desert. I draw back before he can use his tongue, and he makes a frustrated sound. “Tell me?”

“I’d do anything for you.” He sighs. “Unfortunately, skipping work isn’t an option at the moment.”

“So much for anything.” I tease.


“What are you going to do? Stop work and spank me?”

He chuckles. “I’m going to start a tab. I’m sure your father would appreciate seeing you … before tonight when he won’t have the chance.”

“Why wouldn’t he have the chance?” I blink at him stupidly.

“Because you know, the luau is just so far away from the hotel and you just might forget something … or might want to see the water at night … or might want someone to walk with you to the bathroom for safety … or might need to be able to keep an even face while someone fingers you under the table.”

I shiver at his list. He’s been thinking about this … a lot. “Sounds like a busy night.”

“That’s the plan.” He winks at me. “Take my advice, Bambina. Go say hi to Miles before you’re too busy and too covered in bite marks.”

I giggle and kiss his neck. “I’m going to hold you to those promises.”

“I’m sure that’s not the only thing you’ll be held to.”

I get dressed and text my dad, asking if he wants to get drinks or check out the resort. He agrees happily and joins me. Dad in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts is weird. Almost as weird as him in flip-flops. I remember us going to the beach, but he always wore a tank top and trunks.

Now he definitely looks like a dad.

“How are you enjoying your time?” He asks, carefully choosing his words.

“It’s nice overall. Mom has been a little ….”

“Oh, she’s been very.” He rubs the back of his neck. “We’ve talked more about Bella since we got here than we have about our relationship. I don’t know how to convince her I want her and only her.”

“I’m not doing relationship recon for you guys. I’m way past the point of Parent Trapping, you guys.” I shrug. “I can tell you that Bella is bugging her. I’ve never heard her talk the way she did today.”

Dad rubs the back of his neck and nods. “I don’t know how to fix that. I mean. I can’t undo what happened with Bella.” Then his eyes turn to me. “And you know you can’t undo what you’re doing with the guys. Once you move on and find the person you want to marry, this is a real possibility for you.”

“What makes you think I’m going to leave them?”

“Honey, this kind of life isn’t sustainable. Even in the best-case scenario. Marriage can’t happen with four guys. What about when you want children? What if you meet someone who’s better for you?”