“It was so beautiful. Even though we had to redo it here because it wasn’t legal.” She leans towards him. “That first honeymoon.”

Sophie’s face pales.

“We barely left the bed.” Miles leans towards her. “Missed out on so many sights by-”

“Your child is in the room!” Sophie yells.

I chuckle and rub her thigh. Sophie eases into the touch. Diana giggles. “Oh honey, I’m sure you know just what it’s like. What, with being with so many handsome men.”

“Diana,” Miles says sharply.

“I’m just saying.” Diana looks at each of us in turn. “Handsome men flocking together is kind of amazing.”

Sophie rubs her forehead, then goes for the wine, drinking quickly. I shake my head at her and whisper in her ear. “It’ll all be fine.”

She nods.

By some miracle, we make it through dinner. Sophie heads to the balcony and Diana goes with her. As soon as the door shuts, Miles turns to us. “Sophie is going?”

“Of course.” Roman shrugs. “Why wouldn’t she?”

“Because she’s dating all of you and it’s Bella’s wedding.” He growls, then he looks at me. “And how are you, Gunner?”

I pour scotch in a glass and take a long swig. “Let’s go back to work talk, Miles.”

He chuckles. “And you, Roman? Or all of you, how’s this going with my daughter?”

Holden beams. “Sophie is amazing.”

“Truly, the most amazing woman.” Nick agrees. “We love her. Spending time with her, being with her.”

“It’s wonderful.” Roman agrees.

Miles turns to face me and I smile. “We have a lot of fun together, try a lot of different things. Just last night-”

“No. Thank you.” Miles holds up his hand. “No more questions.”

“Are you sure?” I ask. “You don’t want to push for more?”

Miles skewers me with his eyes. Roman chuckles. “Things with Sophie are great.”

“How are you making it all work considering everything.” Miles pries. “I mean, last time it was just sex, but now there are relationship things involved.”

“We do things separately and together.” Nick answers. “It helps keep everything balanced.”

I nod. “That’s what we do. It’s working well so far.”

I think of all of us on the group date. It was very good. No jealousy. It was perfect, almost as perfect as last night. I look out the balcony and see Sophie watching us. She smiles and bites her straw.

Ugh, the sooner this dinner is over, the better. We get to have her. Miles talks with Nick about something, and Roman comes up to me. “You good?”

“I'll be better once they leave. Sophie said she was going to reward us for having a good dinner with her parents.” I hint.

Roman beams. “Well, then we should wrap this up, shouldn’t we?”

“The sooner, the better.” Holden agrees.

“Let’s get them, get dessert served, then … burn it all off.” I grin.