Iwake up to Roman leaving. I blink and rub my eyes. “Where are you going?”

“A run and to get something important.” He kisses my temple. “Go back to sleep, Bambina. Everything’s okay.”

“I only half believe you,” I huff. “Can’t you wait?”

“You’re going to fall right back asleep and won’t miss me.” He promises with a gentle smile.

I huff and flop, slowly slipping into the warm spot he left behind. I feel him kiss my temple again and then like he says, I fall right back asleep. When I finally wake up to my alarm, I just lie in bed.

Roman got me for plenty of nights. I’ll bounce between beds until the guys are even … after one night in my own bed. Stretching my toes out, I sigh. We have lunch with my mom and dad and then we’re heading home.

Maybe Nick can manage to paint with me on the plane. I’m still upset we missed that. I’m more upset that we didn’t take more photos together. I like having them, even if I don’t share them online. It’s not like there’s a multiple-person option on Facebook, and I won’t just select one guy to show off.

I’m lucky enough to have four and either the world knows about all of them, or it can just keep guessing.

I pack my things and work on Roman’s stuff as well. The door opens after I’m all changed and have managed to pack everything. Roman kisses the back of my head. “Thank you, Bambina.”

“We have to be out of the room by eleven. You’re cutting it close.”

“It’ll be worth it.”

“If you say so.”

We drag our things downstairs and Roman takes care of the bill. That’s a conversation for later. I want to be able to pay for things. I’m not a sugar baby and even if it’s silly, I want to show I can provide too. It’s important to me. I don’t want the guys to feel like I’m with them for what they can give me materialistically. And I make plenty of money that they don’t let me spend.

We get to the restaurant where Dad and Mom are waiting and I see that Gunner and Nick are already there. Someone grabs my waist and I see Holden. He picks me up to hug me, then sets me down.

I giggle and shake my head. I wonder if he can see how far he’s come since we met. He handled the wedding like a pro, he’s been more talkative, sillier. More of the man I love every day is out and on display.

“Okay, now what was so important?” Mom asks. “Sophie’s here, everyone’s here.”

I don’t know what it is either, so I can’t give the faintest hint. Dad looks at all of us, then gets down on one knee, holding out the ring she threw at him a few years ago. “Diana, I know it’s only been a short time, but I can’t be stupid twice. I was stupid enough to let you go once and I can’t live another moment without you as my wife again.”

She swallows, looking around. I put my hands to my mouth, shocked, crazy happy, awed. Mom shakes her head. “We paid to get divorced, Miles.” A tear runs down her cheek as she covers her mouth taking in the moment.

“And I’m willing to pay millions to get you back as my wife, Diana. I want you, only you, for the rest of my life. If I could redo anything in my life, it would be signing those divorce papers instead of sitting down and talking to you. I can’t live with myself if lose this moment and don’t do something about it. You make my life so much better. I chose right when I chose you and I’m choosing you again to prove it.”

Her eyes well with tears and she nods then pushes her finger through the ring. “Yes, Miles.”

I laugh and hug my parents, throwing myself into the moment, because I can’t resist. Dad hugs us both and I feel like we have our family back the way it should be. Mom insists on everyone having two shots – one for the first wedding and one for the second. Then she points at my men.

“We’re dancing. Now.”

She sandwiches herself between Gunner and Nick. I laugh and hug my dad. “That was slick, Daddy. Good job.”

“I love her. It’s kind of simple when I focus on that.” He rubs my back. “I have a feeling that this wedding helped me realize that. I can’t imagine being here with anyone else and … it just clicked.”

“I’m happy. I will be a kick-ass flower girl.” I laugh.

Roman wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. He’s been quiet today. I rub his arm. “You okay, Bambino?”

He chuckles and shakes his head. “Absolutely not with that nickname.”

I huff. “Meanie.”

Dad goes to try and steal Mom back considering she’s starting to get really dirty doing Da Butt with Nick and Gunner. I turn to face Roman, trying to figure out what’s going on. “I mean it though. Are you okay?”