“She yelled at me in a whisper for breaking her rule.” He shrugs and smirks at me. “It was worth it.”

“Sophie always is.” I agree, hitting the button for our floor. “How did we stumble into a serious relationship with all four of us?”

“I stopped questioning that. I just want to know what we’re going to do with it.” He sighs. “She can’t legally marry all of us. I don’t want a kid, but … I don’t know.”

“It’s on paper – for the wedding anyway.” I shrug. But I want to be a dad. I’ve wanted that role for so long. Asking Sophie to have four kids would be hard though.

“We’ll talk it out. We can handle that.”

“If we can handle this relationship, we absolutely can.” I agree.

Once we get to our floor, we knock on Gunner’s door. He opens it and welcomes us in. I hear the shower running and I’m sure that it’s Sophie in the shower. I rub my side as I think of this morning. I can’t believe that it was less than twenty-four hours ago. I take off my jacket and tie, tossing them on the table in the room.

Holden follows suit and I’m just happy that Gunner is wearing something – even if it’s loose boxers and nothing else. He flops back on the very messy bed and sighs. “Tonight is great.”

His smile is hard, next to impossible, to argue with. I find myself smiling too. Holden takes the second bed and spreads out. “Even with the bullshit, this trip has been great.”

“Shirt please!” Sophie yells from the bathroom.

Gunner gets up without question and picks up his button-up from the floor. He opens the door, letting a wall of steam out, and hands it over. They talk quickly and he comes back out. “Room service will be here soon. The food was fine, but I’m starving.”

A knock on the door answers him and Roman comes in. He looks better than he did downstairs when I could practically feel the tension rolling off him. He sits on the bed with Holden while I lean against the dresser.

“Everything okay, Roman?”

“Yeah. Just thinking about the future.”

“Popular topic tonight.” Holden sighs. “I blame Diana.”

“And Miles.” I agree. “They’re certainly adamant that we figure things out quickly. I wonder what that’s all about. Has she given any hints?”

Roman and Holden shake their heads. Gunner chuckles and twirls Sophie, wet hair and all, under his arm, leading her into the room. She grins. “Everyone’s here!”

“There’s no fun without you,” I assure as she fits herself to my side. She kisses my cheek and I undo her top button.

“You’re sweet. Where have you been all night?” That little pout on her face.

I tap her bottom lip. “I’ve been keeping the peace and dragged into more dances than I wanted to be. But don’t think I didn’t see you in that sexy dress we picked out.”

“I knew you’d recognize it.”

“The one I told you would get you laid.” I kiss her temple. “Almost got you fucked in a dressing room.”

“It would have if the attendant had left.” She giggles. “Are we-”

“Kicking back and enjoying tonight, absolutely.” Holden sits up.

I don’t blame him. We need an easy night. Last night was intense, today has been ridiculously long. I feel ready to pass out already. I kiss Sophie’s temple again, enjoying the feel of her in my arms, knowing she’s still here, still with us.

“I know a lot of shit has come up.” She says, looking between us. “But I love you all. All of you. Entirely and completely. Even with my mom’s poking, I’m happy as we are, okay? No pressure, no anger, nothing.”

“Hopefully, there’s a little passion.” I tease.

She laughs. “Oh there’s plenty of that. So much it’s damaging.”

I open my shirt and show her the already fading bruise. “I’ll live.”

She licks across her bottom lip as she looks over my body. Turning, Sophie strokes over my abs and chest before kissing just over my heart. I hug her tightly. She sighs.