The next morning, I smile, feeling better than I have since I had the fight with Miles. Being soft with Sophie, being with just her like we were last night … it was perfect. Better than perfect.

Which lingers with me as the days pass. Sophie makes dinner for us Friday and then announces. “So … my parents are coming over.”

“What?” I jump up.

She forces a smile. “Surprise.”

The rain beats down on the windows, but all I can do is stare at her. Roman shrugs. “Okay.”

“I …”

“It’s been a while since we’ve seen Miles.” Nick agrees. “Well, outside of work.”

“We’re seeing him tomorrow!” I remind them. “The bachelor party?”

“Yeah, but we’re going to be too drunk to remember most of that.” Nick pats my back. “At least, I figured you would be.”

Sophie kisses my cheek. “It’ll be fine, hotness.”

I arch an eyebrow at her. “Sophie.”

“I haven’t said anything. He’ll behave. Everything will be fine. I promise.” She kisses me slowly. “I’ll make sure of it.”

I watch her and she rubs my side, holding me close. “Help me with dinner.”

I roll my eyes, but all of us end up helping. When the doorbell rings, Nick goes to open the door. Roman works on setting the table and Holden takes care of the wine. Sophie rubs my chest. “I promise.”

“I know.”

“Plus, I want to remind you all tonight … after dinner … about why I’m so much better than strippers.”

I grin and kiss her. “You’re better than every other woman.”

“Keep talking sweet.” She bites her lip.

“I love you. The way you talk to me, the way you make me feel, reading with you.” I list, then pull her close. “We still have to finish that book.”

“I’m looking forward to it. We get to act out the hot scenes.” She promises against my lips.

“Well isn’t this sweet.” Miles interrupts.

“Oh, stop. She’s cute.” Diana gently smacks Miles. “And I mean, how could she resist?”

Diana winks at me. Miles pulls her towards the dining table. She giggles and Sophie strokes my neck, her soft fingers teasing me. I sigh. “It’ll be fine.”

She sits between me and Holden. Holden takes her hand under the table and I rub her thigh. Her dad talks about work until Diana shushes him. “Come on, honey. Leave work at work, okay? We have so much coming up. The bachelor party tomorrow where Sophie and I get to have a very fun spa day together and then Hawaii.”

“Yes. Hawaii.” Miles glances at us then folds his hand under his chin. “For Bella and Matthew’s wedding.”

Diana looks over at Miles. “The Bella?”


“Good. I’m glad she settled down.” Her eyes flick to Sophie. “A destination wedding. Oh, Miles. Do you remember ours?”

Miles shakes his head, but I see the smile. “Morocco.”