“It wasn’t a fucking question, Bella. Go.” He growls.

She actually flinches, like he slapped her, but she slinks away, throwing a hopeful glance my way. I feel my pocket and I know there’s another keycard there. I sigh and lean back against the wall.

“Nick, I told her no. I told her I couldn’t. Even if I could, I wouldn’t. Not to Matt. Not to Sophie.”

“I know.” He walks over to me.

“Then why are you pissed?”

“Because it could have been Sophie that found you.” He hisses. “She’s so worried about you she gave us fucking military lines.”

I rub my fingers through my hair and shake my head. “I didn’t do anything wrong, Nick. I told her no. I tried to be gentle and understanding. I literally pushed her off me!”

“I know.”

“Then why do you look like you want to cut me in half!” I demand. “Why do I feel like you’re accusing me of something?”

“Why would she think she could sway you?” Nick crosses his arms over his chest.

“We might have texted a little when she ended things before she and Matthew were official,” I admit. “As soon as I knew that they were exclusive, I lost her number. Pussy or not, friends first.”

Nick nods. “Fair.”

“I’m not lying.”

“I didn’t say you were.”

“She texted me a few times when they were having problems, asking for advice and I helped.” I kick myself for saying it. “That was it. I never touched her. I never sexted her. No pictures. I’ll give you my phone. Nothing sexual or relationship-y, nothing since they were official and nothing at all since Sophie.”

“Gunner.” He pats my shoulder. “I know. I hate this situation.”

“Where’s Sophie?” I ask. “I have to tell her what happened. We just had this big thing-”

“I agree. Lose the room key first.”

We walk back to the hotel together and I’m glad he’s there when I see Bella sitting out front waiting like she would have better luck closer to the hotel. She looks between us, then away. I recognize shame when I see it, but there’s fury there too.

Nick curses, then steps aside to call Holden off from the beach and Bella approaches. “Explain it to me.”

“There’s nothing to explain.” I insist. “You are getting married, Bella.”

“I don’t have to, though. We can run and-”

“And I’m happy in my relationship.”

“Please.” She snorts. “You’re too jealous to be happy with how things are. You could have me. All to yourself.”

“I mean this … in the nicest possible way, but you’re not worth the damage it would cause,” I say calmly. She steps back and narrows her eyes at me. I shrug. “Even if I was single, it would be a no. Matthew might as well be my brother. I can’t and won’t do that to him. You’re lucky I don’t tell him about this shit.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“If you’re not at the aisle, walking down, or talking to him tonight, I just might. This is shady shit, Bella and you know better.” I point at her.

She jerks me towards her, shocking me as her lips press to mine. I jerk back and shove her. “What the fuck.”

“Roman would have been better than you. Or Nick. I wanted one thing and you couldn’t even handle that.” She walks inside, flipping her hair.

Nick stares at me and I nearly lose my footing. What the fuck. What the fuck.