“No.” Roman shakes his head. “I wish it wasn’t like that, but it was the only way she’d agree.”

“Once she’s drunk, it won’t matter.” Holden sighs. “We can make it a few days, especially if we get time together when we’re not with the wedding party.”

“Yup.” Gunner huffs.

Roman looks at Gunner, and I see something in his eyes. A question. He doesn’t know about the stuff that happened with Dad? How many secrets do these guys keep with each other?

“Okay. Well. It is what it is, right?” Nick asks. I glanced at him, and he kisses me gently. “We’ll all go on a very hot hike together, and it’s not like we can be stopped from drinking together … in a suite … with a hot tub.”

I smile and nod. “I like the sound of that.”

Holden winks at me and kisses me softly. “Not to mention the beach.”

Roman glances at the time. “I have to take care of some business with Singapore.”

He pecks my cheek, leaves, and then I drag Gunner to the balcony. He runs his hand through his messy hair and looks towards the kitchen. “I hate this.”

“You didn’t tell Roman or any of the guys about what happened?”

“No. Why would I do that?” He demands. “And tell them about ….”

“About my dad being stupid?” I take his hands, rubbing them. “I love you. I love all of you.”

“I know.”

“It’s fake for the wedding. That’s all. Bella’s conditions.” I tell him. “Roman knows that I love you all. We’re not going to go bad because of this, okay?”


“Gunner, it’s okay. We’ll be okay.” I insist.

He looks down at me and strokes my face. The worry there is so intense. I stand on my toes to kiss him. He kisses me back, but there’s something softer there. He exhales slowly. “You know how much I love you.”

“And I love you. So let’s get a bubble bath, grab one of those romance books you like, and we’ll read it together by candlelight.” I offer.

He smiles slightly. “Really? You’re going to make me feel better with a sexy bubble bath.”

“A romantic one.” I counter. “Where we’ll just happen to be naked.”

He kisses my forehead. “That does sound nice.”

“I’ll rub your back, give you a massage while you read to me. It’ll be all steamy and cute.”

“Romance, huh?” He asks, considering it. “That’ll be new.”

“Unless you just want the erotic part.” I challenge.

He brushes my hair from my face. “I have to get some things for the romance. You choose the book and get the bath ready.”

“Deal,” I promise, then tug him close. “And you should at least tell Roman about what’s bothering you. Don’t let it fester or get worse.”

Gunner tenses then shakes his head. “Not right now.”


“I know you want to be included in things, Sophie, but … but I don’t want all of my shit aired out, okay? It’s going to take time.”

I nod. I get that. He has to deal with his own stuff in his own time. I had to do that; everyone does. And I can’t rush that process … even if I think it would be for the best. So instead, I let Gunner go. He leaves the penthouse, and I get the bathroom ready.